Chapter Twenty Three|| New Target

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{Emily's POV}

"I can't believe this!" Wesley yelled causing me to flinch. 

The doctor was addressing his wound as I told him what we found back at the party. He laid in the hospital bed looking up at the ceiling angrily with a clenched jaw. 

"You didn't see this coming? You were tracking them. Tanner got caught...they'd be after you soon enough." I explained and he sighed. 

"Don't sound too excited." He mumbled. 

"Wesley, knock it off. I'm just as worried as you are." I said and he closed his eyes for a moment. 

"Are you sure they're after me?" He asked with a pleading tone. 

I knew he didn't want this and I felt horrible, but he needed to know the danger he was in. 

"Yes. I saw this picture," I handed it to him. "This 'X' guy has people do his business for him, so he gave them someone to look for: you. They don't know what you look like but he does; therefore, the picture was there. They knew we would come for Karl and when we did they were waiting for you. They took out innocent people to distract us and the minute you were in the open they took their shot. Thankfully, they missed."

Wesley stared down at the picture with a sad emotion and seemed in thought. 

"What's wrong? Who are those people?" I asked realizing the longing look in his eyes. 

"My mom and sister," He murmured looking the picture over. "They're dead. Rouge attack." He added and my heart dropped...he never has told me that. 

He was so closed off about his family and now I knew why. 

"Im sorry." I managed to say and he just gave me a small shrug. 

"Can I keep this? I haven't seen this in a long time." He asked and I nodded. 

"Of course. Look, I'll leave you alone so you can rest, but if you need anything you know I'm a call away." 

"I know, Em." He managed to give me a small smile and I gave his arm a comforting pat leaving him and the doctor. 

I dropped by the station on my way home to check on Brian and Claire. 

"Anything?" I asked walking in and Claire shook her head. 

"The guys blood didn't match anyone in our system." was worth the shot. 

"How's Tanner doing?" I asked and Brian spoke up this time. 

"He's still stable, but nothing new. Doctors are afraid he's gonna be like that for a long time...they mentioned getting his family down here to do a DNR and want to take him off breathing tubes and everything." My heart dropped. 

"Tanner doens't have any family." He'd been in foster homes throughout his life until he was old enough to be on his own.

"I know...that's why they're going with his emergency contact. The only one he had: you." I shook my head. 

"No, I cannot put that in my hands." Brian and Claire gave me a pitied look. 

"Someone has to." Brian stated and I sighed knowing he was right. 

"Fine, then we wait. Im not giving up on him." 


"Any news on the whereabouts of Karl? Did you get anything new on Tanner's phone yet?" I asked changing the subject quickly as possible. 

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