Chapter Thirty|| Claimed

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{Emily's POV}

"We'll have his trial in a few weeks, in the meantime, take a break with your mate," Jackson spoke giving me a pat on the shoulder. "He's been patient long enough." He winked as his car pulled up. "I'll be leaving tomorrow afternoon, if you need anything before then let me know." I nodded watching him walk to the sleek, black car before his driver opened the back door for him and he disappeared into it. 

It all finally seemed like it was over. Derek went down thinking he saved me, so maybe that would give him a little peace of mind. I felt sorry for him. He lost everything and got nothing in return. It sucks he went down the path he did. He could have just stuck with the identity of Wesley. Why did he have to go and have that rage of revenge? Today I said goodbye to another person I considered family and that hurt a little more each minute that passed without him. 

I sighed walking down to the hotel room I first stayed in. The guards were now gone, the place wasn't crawling with reporters, and everything seemed...calm. 

I took my room key out putting it in and unlocked the door walking in. I sighed looking over the walls that were covered in pictures and suggestions. The board I started everything on couldn't hold as much evidence as we gathered. Slowly, I started to pull them all down and an hour later the walls were bare and I had folders filled with papers. 

My job was done and I could finally breathe. I caught the man behind the scheme and now it was other agents jobs to catch the people that helped him. 

For the first time in a long time, a smile made its way on my face as I left the files where the were knowing some other agents will come get them later. 

I had a mate to get to. 


I walked into Oliver's house dropping my purse and keys on the table by the door with a smile. 

"Honey, i'm home!" I called out with a silly grin on my face. 

"Kitchen, sweetie!" he mocked back and I chuckled walking to the place I always seemed to catch him at. 

When I walked in he was stirring something on the stove and I walked behind him wrapping my arms around his waist laying my head against his back. 

"Hey, baby girl." he spoke turning in my arms and I stared up at him with a smile on my face. 

"I missed that," he said poking one of my dimples and I felt my cheeks heat up. "It's good to see you smiling again." 

"It feels good to be smiling again." I confessed and he nodded placing a kiss on the top of my head pulling me closer if possible. 

"I think a congratulations is in order. It may have been a rough ending, but you still finished strong." 

"Thank you, Oliver, that means a lot." he gave me a soft kiss before pulling back and motioned to the stove. 

"I hope you're ready for some chili." he said and I let out a snort. 

"Im always ready for some chili. You know, you're going to have to let me cook for you now that i'll have more time on my hands." I stated and he raised a brow. 

"Is that so?" 

"It is indeed." I confirmed giving him a sharp nod causing him to laugh. 

"Alright, I think I can let you have a go at it." 

"You say that like you don't trust my amazing cooking skills." I shot back sounded offended. 

"I may or may not have seen you burn eggs...not sure if I want you to cook me a meal." I playfully smacked him on the chest and he belched out a laugh shielding himself from my repeatedly smacks. 

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