Part 56: The Answer

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Thank you BABY_LEEVEY_BLUE for the great cover! I love it! Check her out guys she's really friendly and got some stuff she's working!

Don't forget to check out my new book! First chapter has been posted and the following chapters will be posted after the end of 'Apartment No.4'

Here we go guys!
A majority of you voted short more frequent chapters and here we are! A short one and another one next week!

I know I said I'd upload yesterday but I never got round to finishing the chapter.

This is probably a chapter you're going to kill me for ahahaha

Love you guys! Don't forget to vote! Xx
He was staring at his phone and luckily it seemed he hand seen me so I made a break for it, stepping straight into the biggest puddle I've ever seen in my life and drenching myself from the waist down.

I didn't care though, the last thing I needed right now was for Mason to find me standing in the car park with a box of baby detectors.

I sank low into my seat as soon as I was in so I could just see him over the steering wheel and hopefully he couldn't see me.

As soon as he was out of sight I started up my car and drove a few blocks before pulling over to address my situation, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't focus on one specific thought.

Now, I not only had making up with Mason to worry about but I also had the Ross mess, I had uni to contend with, Claire to get out of hospital and a potential baby!

This can't be happening.

I pulled the box from the passenger and stared at it, reading the instructions and consumer warning notes.

'Not 100% effective' it said. Yeah well, I can tell you what else isn't 100% effective.

What was worrying me more than the prospect of being pregnant was Mason's reaction.
When he thought I was pregnant last time he was so mad... I don't think I could deal if he was mad now. We were in this together, it's no ones fault. Sometimes these things happen.

Jeez, how come Aunty Carol couldn't warn me about this!

I tried to think of any signs that I'd missed that could've told me I was pregnant. First off there was the fact that I'd been so bloody emotional but I mean, I'm like that normally... this time just heightened.

I couldn't think of anything else specific apart from the fact that I'd remembered to buy tampons without realising that I hadn't needed them in ages.

Christ, this is a situation and a half.

I can't have a baby. That's the bottom line. Not now, at least. I have two degrees to finish there's no way I could mix a baby into it.

It made me think of that girl in one of my classes who does her course part time to take care of her two year old at home. She's the same age as me and I respect her so much for the fact that she has the strength to do it. But I don't. It's not in me.

I could feel the anxiety building deep in my belly with each second that past and that made me realise that anxiety wasn't the only thing growing inside me.

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