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***Mae's POV***

In one of my rare days off I was invited to do an interview at one of the most popular celebrity magazines in New York. It was nearing the end of November, and the snow was heavy on the streets of Manhattan.

For the morning I spent a majority of it in hair and makeup, where they dressed me in a black blouse and khaki pants with converse on my feet. The studio we were filming in was quite warm so there was no need to dress up in an outfit for the snow.

At around one p.m. my interview began with one of the media consultants from the magazine, who every week wrote up a column on the magazines website about their latest celebrity interview. The next weeks column would obviously be about me. As well as the column there was also a feature on the front cover of the weekly magazine, and also a couple of videos that would be uploaded to YouTube prior to the interview ending.

"Okay so now that we've talked about your highly anticipated reprise of Audrey Hepburn's character in Breakfast at Tiffany's, lets get onto a funnier side of the interview," the blonde girl laughed as she handed me some decorated sticks. She pulled it from behind her chair.

I noticed that one side said 'I have' and the other side said 'I have never.' I had seen this game before and knew that we were going to play the game Never Have I Ever.

The other girl behind the camera switched it on to the filming mode and the interviewer explained the rules before pulling out her list of questions. She quickly read over the cue cards of questions that were provided on the bench between us. I shuffled in the grey couch I was sitting on. I wasn't expecting too much of a grilling, but then again you could never be prepared for what they were about to ask.

"Okay so these have been sent in by some of your fans, so some of them are out there," she laughed. Oh no.

The first few were simple questions about my childhood and if I did this or did that, but as they went on they got more difficult to answer and caused me to actually think hard about whether or not I had done certain things.

"Now these next few are quite interesting..." she softly said.

"Never have I ever been serenaded," she continued.

I turned my bat to the I have side, and smiled. I felt awkward smiling about things that involved Tristan.

"Never have I ever dated someone for more than a year."

I turned it to the I have never side, much to the surprise of the interviewer. How long did people honestly think I had been with Tristan for?

"Never have I ever heard a song that was written about me."

I thought back to my memory of the time that Blake posted on his social media about the band writing a song for me, but I had actually never in fact heard the song in the end. I turned my bat to I have never and the interviewer was quite surprised by that also.

"Never have I ever cheated."

Hell no had I ever cheated. I stayed on the I have never side.

"Never have I ever been on a date."

I turned to the I have side.

"Never have I ever been in love with someone."

I looked at the deck of cue cards and noticed that it was the last question she had to ask me. My mind seemed to slow down at the word 'love.' Did I ever love Tristan? I claimed I had a million times and had told him a while ago but did I really mean it? Sometimes I questioned whether I even knew what it was.

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