Signing A Deal With The Devil

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King and Nick stood in front of me as I sat on the bed nervously shaking my leg.

"Yea. You lead Carter to us."

"Why do I have to do it!"

"Because Mo do you really think he's gonna question and put your life in danger? This is the only way we can catch his ass without getting caught."

I sighed and blew my breath trying to calm down.

"All you gotta do is kiss his ass for awhile. You know, sweet talk him. Make him feel like you want him and then boom when everything is secured you lead him into the middle of nowhere. Then me and Nick will take it from there."

I stood up and began to pace. "I don't know King. Shit sounds risky."

"What's the worse that could happen?"


"Listen if anything takes a left turn me and Nick will be right there to save you."

My bottom lip quivered as I looked at King.

"You can trust me Mo."

"Okay. Fine." I made up my mind.

"Thanks sis." Nick hugged my tightly.

"Anything for you." I hugged him back.

"Alright we need to act fast. The cops could be busting doors down any moment. We're gonna go ahead and get shit moving." King spoke looking down at the iced out Rolex on his wrist. "Nick you stay in this damn house. Keep the windows shut and he blinds closed. Don't answer your phone for anybody. Don't answer the door either."

"Alright I got it." Nick said.

"Mo go ahead and get dressed. We're taking Miracle to mom's house where it's safe." King ordered slipping shoes on.

I nodded and went inside the closet pulling out a casual outfit and quickly slipped it on. I didn't bother applying makeup. I slipped my wet hair into a pony tail and was ready to go.

I got Miracle up and insisted that she pack at least a month's worth of clothes.

"Can someone tell me what's going on." Miracle asked riding in the backseat of the truck.

"Business." King answered with one hand steering.

"Is everything okay?"

King didn't answer nor did I. I was too busy thinking of the worse. What if this and what if that.

We arrived at Sheri's and before Miracle could get out the truck I stopped her.

"I love you. You know that right?"

"Are you dying!? Oh my-"

I laughed a little. "No I'm not dying. Neither is your dad." I told her before sighing. "We just have to clean up a mess that should've been cleaned a long time ago." I stoke metaphorically. "I love you."

"I love you too ma."

"Here brat." King gave Miracle her phone back and her face lit up. "I love you as well. Be smart and stay away from these boys. They only want one thing."

She laughed and kissed our cheeks disappearing inside Sheri's house. I did a sigh and rubbed my eyes as King pulled out the driveway.

"You okay?" He placed his hand on my thigh.

"Yea." I responded looking at the moving trees out the window.

"This is all going to be over soon and we can live our normal lives again."

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