Suprise Suprise

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I walked out of Starbucks and got into my car, hesitating to pull out of the parking lot and go to school

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I walked out of Starbucks and got into my car, hesitating to pull out of the parking lot and go to school. I didn't want to face Asia or Natalie because of guilt and anger. I decided to skip school and go to Dave's instead. Ten minutes later I unlocked the door and walked inside, he was asleep in his bed and Kairi was right under him. They were both wild sleepers, I laughed to myself and then had a bright idea to make them breakfast in bed.

I quickly went into the kitchen and washed my hands, then pulled out eggs, pancakes, and sausage links. After about fifteen minutes I was done with everything and before I could bring it into the room Dave walked out. "I knew I smelled something." He yawned.

I smiled lightly, "Goodmorning. I made you and Kairi breakfast."

"Why you ain't in school?" He asked before sitting at the table.

"I just didn't wanna go today." I sighed.

I sat his plate in front of him. "What you doing today?"

He prayed, and then picked up his fork. "My auntie picking up Kairi, and imma probably go to stu' later. Need to finish these tracks."

I poured him some orange juice and began making Kairi plate. "Can I join?"

He shrugged. "The gang gone be there tho'." He mentioned.

"I don't care."

He looked at me. "By the gang I mean everybody from the 'jets. May even be a few hoes."

I scoffed. "A few hoes? Why a few hoes?"

"It's the gang Morg." He laughed. "You gotta deal with that shit."

I placed Kairi plate at the table and a cup of orange juice and woke her up. She was very hesitant to get out of bed.

"Come on a Kairi I made you breakfast."

She looked at me with a scared look. "I want my aunty." She whispered.

"She's coming to get you today sweetheart. Are you hungry I made pancakes."

She hid under the covers and let out a soft cry, I sighed in frustration and walked back into the dining room. "She's crying."

He stood up. "The fuck you do?"

"Nothing she says she wants her aunt." I told him.

He walked in the room with her and I stayed out front. Soon enough, they both walked out with Kairi's things. I sat at the table and folded my arms. "Her aunts here?"

"Pulling up. Imma go wait downstairs." He said while grabbing all of her things. I waved bye and she waved back before leaving.

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