Family Affair

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“Are you absolutely certain she said to come around tonight? I’m sure your mother said tomorrow?” Your boyfriend and colleague Spencer Reid frowned from his seat in the car as you pulled into your mother’s driveway.

“She definitely said tonight. And apparently it’s important, which means she dating someone. Everytime she calls me to a ‘family meal’ it’s because she’s dating someone new.”

“Well good for her. I’m still sure it’s tomorrow though.”

You eye rolled at him and got out of the car, grabbing the bottle of wine you’d bought to gift to your mother. The whole “eidetic memory” thing was cute sometimes but it also made him think he knew everything other times. You were the one who had spoken to your mom so you knew when this meal was. And it was tonight.

As you approached the front of the house you did notice that the lights in the lounge appeared to be off which Spencer pointed out too causing you to huff.

“She’s probably just in the kitchen cooking.”

You used your emergency key to unlock the front door, knowing that your mom sometimes missed the doorbell if she was in the back.

As it turned out, she was in the kitchen. As it also turned out, Spencer had been right. The meal must have been tomorrow. Because you highly doubted your mother meant for you to walk in on the scene that you did.

“Mom, we’re heeeee….jesus fucking christ…. Mom!!” The bottle of wine you’d been holding dropped to the floor and shattered and you stopped so suddenly that Spencer ramned into the back of you before looking to the sight in front of you both.

Your mother was sat up on the kitchen counter, her legs wrapped around the waist of a man who’s face had been very much buried in her neck. When they heard your exclamation both parties jumped apart and you could see that their shirts were both undone, as was the man’s belt buckle. Luckily, nothing else was hanging lose.

It was then that you got a look at the man’s face and your jaw dropped open.

“Hotch!?!?” It wasn’t you who spoke this time but Spencer, the shock of seeing his old supervisor making out with your mother very clear in his voice. Aaron Hotchner had been back within the city for the last few months but wasn’t fully reinstated within the team, consulting on cases instead rather than actively investigating them. He wanted more time to spend with Jack and had grown used to it when he had been in the witness protective scheme.

“Y/N!” Your Mom.

“Spencer! Y/N!” Aaron.

“I…. I… Nope. Just nope.” You spun around and grabbed Spencer’s hand, pulling him with you. Your mother and her… her Hotch? followed you down the hallway, quickly trying to make themselves decent.

“Y/N, please wait. Come into the lounge so we can talk….”

“Nope! Nope, nope, nope!”

You were being childish and you knew it but you had the image of your mother and your very esteemed, sometimes colleague burned into your brain right now and that wouldn’t do. And if you’d have walked in ten minutes later you were quite sure you would have been mentally scarred for life. When you reached the front door you tugged Spencer through it, ignoring your mom’s pleas to stop and talk and faster than you could say “my mom is fucking Aaron Hotchner,” you were in the car and reversing out of the driveway, Spencer scrambling to put on his seat belt.

“Well…. Y/N…..erm….”


“Do you not want to talk about it…”

Spencer Reid One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now