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Rather odd creatures.

Instead of making it hard, why not surrender?

Every time I capture some they have some sort of substance coming out of their eyes.

There are some that stay quiet and accept it. There are other who grab a someone and make their lips form upwards for some odd reason.

Then there are the difficult ones.

Their faces are red and they have this death look in them when they see us.

As if they want us dead.

"Number 07."

I turn around to see my creator.

"Yes sir."

"Are you fully charged for today?"

I nod in response looking out the window at the destroyed world. But on the other side is a big city, where robots and machines are.

"I will be out in a moment."

I hear him leave my containment and I turn looking around before I go. I head out to bump into someone.

"Oh, Number 101. What are you doing around here, you have just been created."

"I'm sorry Number 07, it won't happen again."

I stare at him, "Number 101."

"Yes miss?"

"What does 'I'm sorry' mean?"

He looks at me and I am sure I saw something spark in his eyes.

"I...do not know..."

I blink and nod walking past him.

Number 101 known before as 'Romeo' was a human. But he got captured and he chose to become a Robot.


Though it takes a while for them to forget everything completely.

'I'm sorry' must have been from his past life. Whatever that means.

"Number 07, it is time."

I nod.

Some other Robots and I walk in numeric order into the air pod.

"We will land you into a new area, but this is not for new recruits. No. This is only a capture and kill mission."

We all stay silent understanding what we need to do.

"There has been word that the wanted guilds are living around there."

Now there is chatter.

The wanted guilds.

Humans who travel together as a group are what we call 'guilds'.

The most wanted are only if we have captured them and they have escaped.

The Most Wanted Guild who we have captured many times but always seem to escape is the guild-

"Fairy Tail!"

I look up at the sudden name called and look over at the screen.

There were 3 people running through the trees. You could see the marks on them.

If I am correct, there's a red color, a light blue and a dark blue. One on a shoulder, one on their arm and the other on its chest.

These marks, is it not making it easier for us to know who they are like that?

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