Chapter 3

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Three freaking weeks and I haven't heard a damn word from Liam. I've tried texting and calling him but he hasn't answered any of them. So, I give up I have my dancing to focus on and boy have I been putting my anger into my dancing. Maria has noticed as she had commented on how she's noticed that I've been dancing more aggressivly. The ballet is tomorrow night and I still have enough anger in me to dance the shit out of the ballet tonight and tomorrow night.

Coming home from ballet practice I find Dad in the kitchen prepairing dinner. "Hey Dad, how was work today?" I ask dropping my duffel and school bags on the floor by the front door.

Dad turns to look at me over his left shoulder with a smile. "Good, a normal day for me. How was your day, son?" he asks as I help him finish cooking and plating our meal before sitting at the table.

Shrugging I take a bite before answering him. "Fine, I'm beyond ready for the ballet tomorrow and Saturday nights. You're coming to one of them right?"

Dad nods as he swallows his bite. "Of course I am, I'll be there tomorrow for opening night. I wouldn't miss my boy performing in 'Swan Lake'."

Grinning we finish our dinner before placing our dishes in the dishwasher before Dad starts it before retiring for the night in the living room to watch some televison before heading for bed. I head up to my room to do my small amount of homework and to text Trevor before bed.

Trev and I haven't been able to spend much time together the last few weeks becuase of his football practices and Friday night games and my ballet practices. I miss my best friend but we'll be able to spend more time together once the football season is over and before it's crunch time before the next ballet.

"Are you ever disappointed that I'm not into different sports," I ask Dad on the way to the theater where the ballet will be held. Yes, I view dancing as a sport, it takes muscle control, balance, corodination, confidence and dedication.

Dad briefly looks at me surprised before turning his eyes back to the road. "No, I was the one who suggested to mom that we have you dance," he says with such happiness in his voice that it surprises me. I hadn't known that, it seems like most parents would want thier son's in more 'manly' sports not dancing.

"I didn't know that, I thought it was mom who wanted me in dance and she convinced you." I look at my dad as we talk, by now we're at the theater. The ballet doesn't start until 7 p.m. and I have to be here by 5 p.m. to run a few steps and to have my costume and makeup done. We had a light dinner before we left home.

Climbing out of the truck I smile at dad mumbeling my thanks before heading inside. Dad is heading to pick up his parents, my grandparents, Mark and Kyle, yes my grandparents are men who are gay and they adopted my dad the day he was born. Dad is actually related to Mark biologically, dad is Mark's nephew. Mark's sister Karol, was only fourteen years old when she had my dad and Mark was eighteen when dad was born. My great grandparents told Karol she couldn't keep my dad and she asked Mark to adopt my dad since him and Kyle were going to be married later that year.

Dad had told me the day after he came home from his most recent buisness trip that he's been dating someone. I hadn't meet this person yet but dad said the person is coming to the ballet tonight and I can meet the person after the performance. Dad really hasn't told me much about the person he's dating other than the person does know about me and is excited to meet me and to see the ballet tonight.

Entering the stage I meet the other dancers and Maria and we start going over a challenging piece of the ballet. An hour later we've finshed this to Maria's happiness and were sent to costume and makeup with forty-five minutes to have these done leaving us fifteen minutes afterward to collect ourselves.

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