The Gift of Something

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Epilogue |


This was it. Four years of hell were done with; it was now going to be stored away on a shelf of memories. Another chapter in her life would be closed and another will open. It all felt like a dream, but it wasn't. It was happening right then and there.

Park Louise Chancellor was going to graduate very soon.

"Kate!" Park called before turning to Lizzy, "You have your speech and everything, right?"

"Mmhm, don't worry," Lizzy pointed at her head, "It's all in here."

Lizzy Collins, one of her best friends, was valedictorian. It was expected from a lot of people, ever since she grew into herself. Senior year, Lizzy blossomed to an even better version of herself. She still looked the same, though, with her vibrant purple hair and wide-framed glasses. Just more social and approachable.

Just then, Kate Roberts came down the steps, adorned with her forest green dress and black heels; the dark blue gown was flowing behind her as she walked down. Her red hair was fancily put up in a bun, and her makeup looked amazing as usual. Kate was still the same, definitely.

"C'mon," Park urged, placing her graduation cap on her black hair that was also done, "We gotta get there early. The boys said they'll meet us there."

When they finally got there, Park spotted the boys lingering in the building. She greeted Luke Montgomery with a quick hug, complimenting on how handsome he looked. Then she saw Reece, standing a little off to the side, camera in his hands. Park came up to him and placed a chaste kiss on his lips.

"Hello to you, too." He said, a wide smile gracing his mouth, "You look beautiful."

She brushed a strand of hair away from his face, "And you look dashing as always."

Reece Collins and Park were still going strong after a year and some months of dating. She then leaned her head on his shoulder and he placed his arm around her waist. They watched Kate with Luke, and Lizzy talking to some of the teachers. It was all surreal.

Eventually, they had to find their seats -- Park's chair was slightly closer to the twins than to Kate and Luke since it was in alphabetical order -- and waited for the ceremony to begin. Park scanned the bleachers for her parents, who were grinning once they saw her, too. Ever since that one Christmas day last year, their relationship only improved. It was the little things that made her happy.

She zoned out for a bit until it was time for the valedictorian speech. Lizzy stood there, grinning with her blue gown whipping around in the wind. Her blue eyes were watery, but all in all, she looked as if she owned the stage.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, friends and family, and of course, the Graduates of 2014," Lizzy greeted, "All of us had gone through so much, whether in school or not. We had been broken down, thrown at obstacles, and sometimes even depressed. But I have one thing to say, it gets better. I mean, look at us now, sitting here at out graduation ceremony."

She continued speaking, getting passionate with every ticking second. Lizzy talked about blossoming and going off to do great things in life. She exaggerated on how they shouldn't give up because they've already made it this far. And she finished with, "Class of 2014, it's time to start living."

The crowd went crazy at her speech. Yelling and whistling and applauding. Lizzy sarcastically bowed before stepping of the stage.

Soon, one by one, the principal called up the names of the students. When it was Park's turn, it felt like her friends and family were cheering and clapping louder than anyone else. And it was the same for Lizzy, Reece, Luke, and Kate.

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