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A/N: this chapter low key cringey and have what some might say cringey words

Cristal pov:

I woke up to the sound of a text. It was still dark out and when I opened my phone I saw it was 1am.


Mikey💞: u up baby

Cristal💕: I am now 🙄

Mikey💞: well come down here

Cristal💕: y?

Mikey💞: because we never finished what we started ;)

Cristal💕: oh 😏 I like the sound of that

Mikey💞: so hurry up and get down here

Cristal💕: ok

End of text

I tip toed passed a sleeping Geo. He was still pissed at me and if he finds out I snuck out to finish -Ya know- what Mikey and I were doing earlier. He's going to kill Mikey and me. We CAN'T get caught. I cannot lose my best friend like I almost did once before.

I came down the stairs which took forever and convinced me that I definitely need to start going to the gym.

"Hey babe," Mikey said coming behind me and picking me up. He scared the shit out of me.

"Hey," I said as he put me down. I turned around to him and kissed him passionately.

He hummed into the kiss, "I like the feeling of that."

I smiled, "I bet you do."

He pulled my arm, "We have to go."

"Wait wait," I said coming to a stop. "Where are we going?"

"Don't worry we won't get caught unless we are late so hurry," he said pulling me again.

I got in the car and he looked at me and grabbed my hand.

"If you're sleepy, go to sleep. It's a long drive."

I nodded and got comfortable in my seat. I closed my eyes and drifted off.

Next thing I knew Mikey was carrying me. I wasn't expecting it so I jumped and he almost dropped me.

"Woah woah, I got you. You're okay," he told me. His voice was so soothing and calming. I loved it.

He opened the door and I wondered where we were. He turned on the light and I looked around. We were at his house. Was I really sleep that long? It's been at least 2 hours.

He put me down.

"Woah Mikey. How long was I sleep?"  I asked.

"Like 2 hours," he said. He placed his keys on the key hanger. He smiled at me, "You look good."

"I know," I said as I spun around. I rubbed my eyes -still being extremely tried.

I yawned.

"I know what will wake you up," before I could even ask what, he smashed his incredibly soft lips into mine.

I moaned slightly at the thought of us finally getting what we both wanted: each other. He was so sexy and I wanted every piece of him.

"Fuck, I wanna make you feel so good," he said as he started to rub all over my body and kiss me.

I started to lift his shirt up to rub his abs. They seemed even tighter now, than before. It made me even more hungry from him.

He was still kissing me just a bit sloppier now.

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