Chapter 59

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Hey guys, it's me again!

I'm sorry it took me so long to update, I have a double update for you guys today because I've been slacking so much! One reason for that would be that I have been dating someone for over a year, and I have recently decided to break up with them. I haven't actually done it yet, but it's been super hard on me so I've been doing my best to keep up with this story still through all of that!

Also - I got a new laptop so that will probably motivate me a little more to write more often!

Anyways, enjoy this chapter guys! Thank you for reading this story - the end is near! P.S - read the last part of the last chapter for a refresher if you need it!


Previously on The Bracelet...

Suddenly, I feel my entire body freeze.

Everything just stops - my eyes, my lips, the rise and fall of my chest, my fingers and toes, arms and legs, all frozen. Like I'm on a tv show that someone's just paused.

I can't even hear my own heart beating in my chest.

But then I hear it - the crack of twigs behind me. Ever so gentle, but there nonetheless. Under a weight that could only belong to a pair of feet.

And I realize that Draco was never here tonight. He's at home, in his manor, probably fast asleep.

Slowly, the presence behind my back begins to circle around me, and thoughts begin to race through my paralyzed mind - Kyle and Derek, Death Eaters?

But no.

The figure is short and rather stout, yet thin all the same. Holding a wand out with a shaky hand, a wand that's pointed at me. Long blonde hair, brown eyes like those of a doe.

"Surprised?" The voice is breathless, feminine.



I want to scream. I want to cry. I want to yell and curse and kick the ground.

But I can't.

Blu stands in front of me, her wand held at a shaky arm's length. She's teetering back and forth on her heels, giggling like a child.

"I bet you are."

She gives another hoarse, sinister laugh, her head pitching backwards.

"I bet you're wondering why I'm here, Jennifer." She says, satisfied. "I bet you're scared. You don't know what's going on, do you?"

I can only answer by moving my eyes back and forth - looking her up and down, scanning the tops of the trees, frantically wondering what the hell is happening.

"Well, since I'm going to kill you, I might as well tell you."

I'm already frozen when she says this, but somehow, I freeze a little bit more. Air enters my lungs, air exits, but I can't feel it. Blood pumps into my heart, blood pumps out, but it runs cold.

"Kyle, Derek, me," she laughs again, this time shakily - "didn't it ever seem a little odd to you, that the three of us just showed up out of nowhere? Hm - just as things started to unfold in your life? Whispers of death eaters, Lord Voldemort all around you, being tortured in your own boyfriend's house..."

I have the strangely out of place thought that it's weird to hear Draco being called my boyfriend.


Suddenly, I find myself very glad that I'm in this situation, rather than him.

"He sent us here, y'know." Blu says sadistically, interrupting my thoughts. "The Dark Lord. Lord Voldemort. He found the three of us - all children of death eaters - and he sent us here, to watch you, Jennifer. At least, at first it was only to watch you, because he knew who you were as soon as he saw you hanging around Draco. When he realized what you had," she licked her lips, her eyes flitting down to my bracelet - "it was to kill you."

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