part 7

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I never thought he would be such a talented artist. he drew a picture of me and him in the bus holding hands but in his other hand was the gun he shot Derrik with.
"I like your drawing."
"Good it's for you."
" really but I thought you didn't have feelings." I said teasingly.
" Well I have feelings for you and that's enough right."
"I guess." I didn't thing so but I don't want him to hurt me not like he would though.
" so umm do you want toooo..... you know umm go to a movie or something." his face was sweaty and red.
" No....."
"what?" he looked sad and surprised
" yah I'd rather go skating hahaha."
"Oh whew I thought you were rejecting me haha."
" Ok how about at six o'clock." I asked him.
" sounds fun but have you ever gone skating before because it sounded new to you... I mean I've gone but you just sounded a little too exited?" he was right I never learned how to skate because I have the worst parents ever they are drunks and addicts so you can see how my life has been.
"Ok yes I haven't skated before but it sounds fun."
"Ok see you at six." the bell rang so we gathered our stuff and walked out the door. out second classes are right next to each other's so we walked there together holding hands and talked about which skating ring to go to. when we got to the doors he kissed my hand and then walked into his class then I walked into mine.

............9 hours later............

it was only ten minutes till six and I had to find a good outfit to skate in so I didn't wear the dress I planed out an hour ago so I grabbed my black long sleeved shirt with the moon cycle on it with thumb holes, then I just grabbed regular skinny jeans. I grabbed my wallet and walked out the door.

........20 minutes later.........

when I got there he was just about to leave but I ran to his car.
" Oh hey sorry I thought you weren't coming so I was going to leave."
"No *cough* I had too walk because my dad crashed my car."
"Oh ok umm next time I'll pick you up what's your adress."
"1834 baker street." I said running out of breath from running.
" baker street ok let's go in shall we."
"Yes haha." we walked in and everything was neon and under blacklight so the only thing that was glowing on us were the white on our shoes by the way we both wore our Convers accept mine are grey. I got in my skates and they were hard to walk in at first, but then I got used to it. I just stood there watching him skate around the floor. then he skated to the wall where I was.
" Hey come on lets go I'll teach you." I grabbed his hand and he led me to the opening.

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