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Eddie; i love david dobrik

Stan; david darbik

Richie; dapel dardick

Eddie; yup, cause thats totally what i just said

Mike; he's ok

Ben; 'ok'? 'ok'? wtf

Ben; hes legen...

Mike; yeah, hes ok

Ben; wait for it

Stan; wait for what


Richie; is derry* 

Richie; how do you not even know how to spell your towns name?

Eddie; hoe he was referencing how i met your mother

Richie; u havent met my mother yet

Richie; she was at work when you came over

Stan; why am i best friends with an idiot

Mike; haha

Eddie; hes not an idiot! he is smarter than me. he just doesnt understand basic stuff

Ben; that doesnt mke sense

Eddie; yeah it does. watch this

Mike; this is gonna be good

Richie; i am feeling used

Eddie; rich, whats 2+2

Richie; seriously eds

Stan; this is so stupid, everyone knows its four

Richie; no! its diginoros!

Eddie; see

Mike; oh ma gah

Ben; did he get high one too many times??

Eddie; maybe

Stan; definitely

Richie; im offended

Eddie; mmk thats fine

Stan; this is great

Richie; can we talk about dapel dardick again

Eddie; david dobrik*

Richie; same fucking thing

Eddie; lmao im done here

 Mike; this is great

Stan; correct babe

Ben; oh. im the only one in here without my s/o

Eddie; arent you dating bev

Ben; but she isnt in the chat

Eddie; true

Mike; gtg to mcdonalds

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