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"Do you girls think Bloom and Stella are okay?" The remaining four of the Winx CLub members had gathered together inside Tecna's dorm. It was Flora's idea to hold up the meeting, since she was beginning to get worried about their two friends. But it seemed like Musa and Aisha showed little interest to the topic.

"They could be just having an overnight stay or something, no big deal" Musa commented, crossing her legs as she sat on the floor. "I mean, maybe it was a big misunderstanding after all. So the Scolacians probably let Bloom and Stella stay for a little longer?" 

With Aisha agreeing with the music fairy, Tecna did not seem to buy it. 

"Come on you two, we've met a lot of people who managed to decieve us in the past. These Scolacians aren't all different" 

Musa and Aisha looked at Tecna with confused expressions. "Uhh..what do you that?"

Tecna moved aside from where she was sitting at, and took out the book she had been hiding from underneath her bed. It was the same book she had been reading when she was talking to Flora a few days ago. The technology fairy plopped the book on the floor in the middle of the room where everyone was at.

Aisha stared at the book. "...isn't this the book Headmistress Faragonda gave to us?"

"Correct" Tecna responded. She opened the book to a bookmarked page that had loose pages and handwritten notes in it. Picking up the stack of papers, Tecna showed the three girls was was written on it.

"...Seven subjects of Kattune? From what I remember, Jared only mentioned four. I don't remember hearing the other three..?" Musa said out loud as she read one of the handwritten notes.

"Don't you remember what Miss Faragonda told us? When we came to ask her about the Scolacians not wanting to have anything to do with us, she told us there were SEVEN, subjects that had eaten their ruler" Tecna answered back.

"But...Tecna...I don't think Jared would lie about something like that" Flora interjected. "I mean, when he did admit the whole thing to us, he was in pain and was at the verge of tears"

Tecna rubbed her chin. "But still, why would he only mention four, if there were seven in all?" 

Flora shrugged. "Maybe those four subjects were the most important ones? Perhaps the other three were infuriated by the other four, so maybe he forgot to mention them?"

"That could be true..." Tecna pondered. Musa and Aisha agreed aswell.

"...yet, I still don't feel right about them. Before Jared completely snapped, he was held back. But when I observed him closely, it looked like he was going to attack us" The technology fairy stated, narrowing her eyes at the last part. 

"Come on, Tecna. Most people would do that if they were having an emotional breakdown" Musa retorted. "I can agree to that. Big time" Aisha said, feeling guilty from what happened last time.

"At least Kat held him back just in time beforehand, right?" Flora nervously smiled, but immediately shut her mouth when she noticed Tecna. The technology fairy was not happy when she heard the name 'Kat'.

"Yo Tec, what's wrong?" Aisha called out.

"Nothing" Tecna responded quickly. "Nothing's wrong"


"Winx!" Daphne knocked on Tecna's door frantically. "Bloom and Stella have returned!" 

That made the four rush to the door, opening it quickly afterwards. "They are?"

But when they saw the look on Daphne's face, they grew worried. "Where are they?"

"They're in Headmistress Faragonda's office" The light-blonde responded.

Academy Antagonism - [DISCONTINUED, REWRITTEN VERSION COMING SOON]Where stories live. Discover now