~ E I G H T ~

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After dinner was over Alex pulled me up to her room. Their house was very nice. The whole place felt very 'homey'. Alex stopped in front of a wooden door. She quickly opened it and pulled me in. Her room was not what I would have expected. The walls were white with different colors of paint splattered on them. It was awesome. Her bed sheets and blanket were black along with the rug that was on her white carpet.

She had a desk on the left side of her room with piles of sheets of paper. There was a door next to it which I assume led to her closet. She had a thing with a mirror on it with drawers and a little stool. She had lights that went all around her room and some that covered almost all of a wall with pictures hanging from them of her and either her friends or family.

She pulled me over to her bed and laid me down on it. I was laying on my stomach and had my phone in my hands she sat next to me on her phone. Every once in a while she would take a picture of me.

"Baby girl you need to stop taking pictures of me." I said smirking.

"Or what?" She giggled.

I laid her flat on the bed and straddled her and began to tickle her. She bust out laughing and wouldn't stop. I pulled out my phone and took a few picture of her smiling image. She gave me a fake glare with a little smile trying to peak through her lips. I busted out laughing which made her laugh with me.

"Alright alright! I'll stop taking pictures of you just stop tickling me I'm gonna pee!" She said still laughing.

I put my hands up in surrender. She shook her head and me and pushed me on the bed. I rolled over to my stomach again. She got on top of me and straddled my butt. I looked back at her only to see her smirking.

"What I told you I would give you my famous massage to get out your stress." She said.

I sighed and laid back down. Her little hands went to work on my back and she made my body ease. I felt so relaxed I almost fell asleep. She began to rub my shoulders and then down my back. Her hands lifted the trim of my shirt making me wonder what she was doing but when she began to rub my back again it didn't really matter.

She is good at giving a god damn massage. She rubbed my whole back from under my shirt. She pulled it farther up my back to give her more room. I felt her trace my tattoo that I had gotten when I found out I was going to be a dad. It spelt out Lane with a little princess crown on top of the letters. Her finger tip traced the crown.

"That's cute." She said.

"I got it when I found out I was going to be a dad. I wanted her to remember that she is always my little princess and that I will always love her." I said.

"You know. You surprise me a lot Axel. You really need to show people this side of you. They should know that you really aren't who they think you are." She said.

"I don't really care what they think. The only thing that matters to me is what my family and people I love think about me."

She went back to rubbing my back. She slipped my whole shirt off my head. I was scared to at first thinking one of her family members would come in. She didn't seem to mind though and continued to rub my back. I heard the door open.

"Why does he get the good back rubs?" Nathan complained.

"Feel how tense he is." She said grabbing my shoulder.

I felt him grab my shoulder and chuckle.

"I feel like him having to take care of a kid isn't the only thing making him tense." He said winking at me.

I rolled my eyes at him and he chuckled.

"I don't get it." Alex said.

"You will one day sis." Nathan said patting her back.

"Nate!" She yelled as he left her room.

She rolled fully on top of me. Her chest pressed against my back. I froze under her. Her boobs were touching my back. I felt her snuggle her head into my neck and wrap her arms around my torso. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of her hanging on me.

She is so cute.

"Hey! Stop taking picture of me!" She groaned.

"But you are cute."

She tried to roll me over onto my back but couldn't so I flipped over. She sat on top of me again making me think some not so good things. She looked at the upper right of my chest and saw my other tattoo and my scar. The scar was from when I was younger. It starts on my shoulder and goes towards the center of my chest. I had gotten the tattoo to cover up most of the scar. It was of the living tree with the roman numerals of a date. Her fingers traced over the design. I froze. I wanted to stop her, it brings back to many memories.

"What is this one for? What's the scar from?" She asked.

I lifted her off of me and sat up and grabbed my shirt. I quickly pulled it over my head and stood up.

"Hey, um I better get going. It's late and I'm sure my parents need help with Lane and all. Um. Thanks for dinner and the back rub." I said and walked out of her room.

She got out of her bed and followed me. I went downstairs and saw her parents.

"Thank you for the lovely dinner Mr. and Mrs. Peter." I said.

"It was no problem. Maybe we could do it again sometime." Mr. Peter said.

"Yeah maybe. Have a good night." I said and began to walk out.

Alex again followed me. I clenched my jaw. She grabbed my shoulder and turned me around.

"Hey! You don't have to leave just because you didn't want to answer a question." She said.

"I. I just have to go ok. Um I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks for dinner." I said and got in my car.

She nodded and went back into her house. I reached into my glove box and pulled out my fake ID. I want to get drunk off my ass and just forget about everything. That's what I would normally do in this situation. I've been going so good though. I just need to go home to Lane. Everything is going to be fine.

I ball my hands into fists and put it back in the glove box. I pulled out of her driveway and headed home. When I got home I parked my car and quickly made my way into the house. My parents were sitting on the couch watching tv. Lane must be in bed already.

"How'd it g-"

I dismissed my mom and ran up to see Lane. She was peacefully sleeping in her crib. I took my shirt off and looked at my tattoo. I grabbed the cap off of my shelf and sat on the ground next to her crib. I reached through the bars and grabbed a hold of her tiny hand.

I felt wetness running down my face. I leaned back and closed my eyes. My door opened and my parents were standing there with a worried look. My mom looked at the cap in my hands and ran over to me and wiped my tears.

"Baby its going to be alright. It's ok." She said pulling me into a hug.

My tears poured onto her shoulder and I felt my father wrap his arms around us. I heard my mother sniffling. I held the cap close the my chest.

"M-mom I m-miss h-him."

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