Music - Kass

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Requested by runningpooper

This is an AU where Kass isn't married with 5 kids. Basically, he's a single virgin, like me.

Everything seemed to be peaceful on that fine day. The sun was shining bright, and pine trees swayed in the soft breeze. The occasional critter might skit between bushes and across the white rocks. It seemed as though nothing could break this peace. That's what you believed at the sight of this serenity. Taking a seat at the bottom of a tree, you leaned back and closed your eyes to take in everything. You relished in the warm sun, enjoying the beautiful accordion music.

Hold on... accordion music? When was there an accordion out of nowhere? You opened your eyes in confusion and looked around, but there was nothing in sight. You could still hear the music, but you couldn't pin where it was coming from. Maybe somewhere up the rocky slope on your right? Or perhaps coming from Warbler's nest. It was bugging you. You wanted to find this musician and listen to the music better. Something about was enticing. The utter peace radiating from the sound was perfect for your surroundings.

It seems you weren't the only living being confused by the sound. A few bushy-tailed squirrels poked their heads up and around, ears flicking the direction of the music. A few looked in the direction of up the slope a little bit to a rocky mound. Continuing to scale the rocks and feeling slightly like a mountain goat towards the end, the music began to sound clearer, which could only mean you were getting closer.

You entered the gaps between the crags and slowly walked while listening for the main source of the music. You'd heard from the Ritos that this area was a bit Bokoblin infested, but what will a couple Bokoblins do to you? Not too much, hopefully.

"Where in Hyrule could that music be coming from?" you asked yourself, not really expecting an answer.

"I believe I would be the source of the music?" A mellow voice suggested from above where you were standing. You looked up to find a tall, blue Rito with a round beak and large welcoming eyes.

"You have an accordion, so yeah. Looks like you are," you said as you began to climb up the rocks to stand at the same level as the Rito musician. "You have a beautiful sounding accordion. I once had a dream where I could play it quite well. Not like you, of course. You're incredible."

I once had a dream where I could play the accordion and I was playing Lost Woods Theme on it. I tried to perform it to people but I suddenly couldn't get the first note lol.

"Why thank you!" The Rito beams and stops playing to converse. "Now tell me, what is your name?" He tilts his head to the side.

"Ah, it's (Y/N). What about you?" He hasn't yet said his name.

"It's Kass. I'm a traveling bard and learning the ancient songs of Hyrule. My teacher wrote a song to which he passed onto me dedicated to the hero. It is my goal to complete the song and perform it for the Hero," He explained. You both sat down on your little rocky perch and began talking about random things until a cold gust blew in. A shiver ran down your back.

"The wind is beginning to pick up. I think I'd best be off," You stood up and dusted yourself off. "Will you be here tomorrow, maybe?" you asked right before you turned to jump down off the rock.

"Must you leave now? But I'll be here tomorrow and for a while longer today. I'll see you later, (Y/N)," His voice still sounded soft, but with a hint of sadness in it.

"See you, Kass!" You said, smiling. He smiled back with a little wave and went back to playing music.

"He's a really nice guy," You muttered to yourself as you descended the faded yellow rocks and landed back on the grass. You continued to walk away from Kass's direction, humming the same tune that was now fading away. You lost track of time a while ago as you were enjoying the sound of your voice carrying out the sound of the melody. (If you don't have a nice voice, just pretend you do.) Before you knew it, it was nightfall and you were smack in front of a Bokoblin camp.

You were a decent fighter with a sword, but you were currently unarmed. It was a bit of a dumb idea to not bring a sword at this point. You could take on a couple of reds, and maybe a blue if you were feeling good, but this was pure bad luck. The camp was swarming with blues and a couple of brownish Bokoblins that you hadn't seen before. Your stomach dropped. Their beady red eyes were staring you down when one of pig-faced monsters screamed at you, triggering them all into a frenzy. They grabbed their weapons as you sprinted in the opposite direction. They began pelting you with rocks. A couple of sharp ones scratched your face and arms, slowing you down slightly. Unfortunately, you ended up tripping over a loose tree root from a large oak tree. You skidded a couple feet until you came to a stop. The fall had turned you around, so you were now aware of the brown coloured Bokoblin that was a foot away from you. With a ear-piercing scream, it hit you over the head with it's dragon-bone club. A flash of white flooded your vision, followed by black. It knocked you out.

~ time skip ~

Oh good Hylia, my head is throbbing... your vision slowly became more clear as your consciousness slowly drifted back in. You recalibrated your senses and took in your surroundings. You were laying in a hammock in an unfamiliar low-lit Rito house. You had seen the structures from afar but never had never actually been in one before now.

"W—where am I?" you asked yourself, perhaps hoping the empty room will reply with an answer.

"You're in my house," the familiar voice belonging to Kass said. You turned your head to the side and saw the same blue Rito from today.

"How did you find me?" You questioned him. He adjusts a couple of fabrics hanging on the wall and faces you again.

"I was flying back to Rito village when I found you lying unconscious around a Bokoblin camp. You appeared to still be breathing, but your head was bleeding a bit, so I took you home and bandaged your head," He explained. "I hope that's okay."

"Thank you. I'd probably be dead by now if you hadn't come along to rescue me. I owe you a big one. How do you think I could repay you?" You tried to bring your hands behind your head, but instantly regretting it.

"I reckon I heard you humming the tune of the song I was playing today. I want you to sing the lyrics for some of the songs I have. Your voice is lovely!" He exclaimed, basically asking you to sing when he plays his songs.

"Sure, I could do that." Your face heated up a little bit because no one had ever really said anything about your voice.

"Excellent. Perhaps would you like to hear the lyrics now?" He asked, pulling out a piece of paper from a little stack beneath the hammock.

"That'd be lovely," 

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