Chapter 63

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"What does he want?" I groaned as Isabella tried to drag me away from my comfortable position. I huffed and puffed like a child as she told me that Felix needs us for business. 

Hah! He does business too? I groaned in annoyance and finally gave in letting her drag me out of the room. We went down the stairs as she led me towards the meeting room. We opened the door and I expected to see the famous grin on Felix's face. But instead, we came face to face with a very serious looking Felix. Immediately my eyebrows furrowed and I stiffened. 

Something was definitely wrong.

"Sit down, girls," Felix said with a tired sigh. Vincent sat down next to us and I looked around. 

"Antonio isn't here" Vincent assured me. I didn't look at him for too long. He thought I was mad at him for suggesting that I might be the spy but In reality, I was only sad. I was sad that he would think that way. But I didn't press the topic. Instead, I looked at Felix as Isabella shut the door and sat down next to us. He took a deep breath and looked at the piles of papers in his hands. I observed his face. His hair was messy and his handsome face tired. 

I put my hand on the table and opened my palm. He put his palm inside of mine and I squeezed his fingers in reassurance. He gave me a small smile and I took my hand back. I didn't like seeing him this way. It didn't suit him. My handsome best friend shouldn't look this tired. 

"Christofer is gone for a few days. I am taking care of everything in here. And we got a problem" He said after he contained himself. It made sense now. He had everything on his shoulders. 

"What is it?" I asked him. 

"The issue is with our clubs. We think that Victor may have his dogs getting in and out of here" He explained. My eyes widened. 

"In your clubs? What the hell is he doing in there? You think he has a spy in here?" I asked. Felix nodded and Sasha sighed. 

"We suspect that Victor sent a spy. He or she is supposed to get inside information about us. The girls have been complaining about some man forcing them into things" He clenched his jaw. 

"You mean forcing them on the girls?" Sasha asked while I took a deep breath. Felix nodded. 

"Isn't Victor in a coma?" I asked uneasily. Felix and Vincent both caught my tone. They looked at each other and nodded. 

"He is. We think he did this before the incident. It's only now that our suspicions were confirmed. We had people working in the clubs undercover. We had it under control. But the situation is getting under control. The girls working with us are now working back at the estate. They are in LA. We need to keep control over the clubs in Italy." Vincent explained. 

"Christofer is keeping an eye on the clubs in Vegas and Antonio is undercover in Russia" Felix explained. My eyebrows furrowed. So they sent Antonio to Russia? God. If Antonio indeed was the spy then we- they were fucked. But I doubted Antonio had something to do with the clubs in Italy. It must have been someone else. 

"We suspect two men," Felix said as he gave me and Isabella two different files. I opened the files and began to read. 

"Boris Mikhailov" I read the name out loud. A twenty-eight-year-old man with a very suspicious looking scar that ran across his eyebrow down to his jawline. He had black hair and brown eyes. I looked at all the information I could master and nodded. 

"These men will be at the club tonight," Felix said. 

"What do we need to do?" Isabella asked and I raised an eyebrow. 

"She is working too?" I asked Felix. He sighed. 

"You understand that if Chris finds out about this he will kill you right?" I exclaimed. I knew Chris had no idea about this. He would never let his sister do something like this. 

"He won't find out" Felix shook his head and I gaped at him. 

"It's not the first time, Gabby," Isabella said. 

"Anya had to do the job instead but it was canceled. I sent her to do something else" Felix explained and my eyes widened. Anya? As in the girl that styled my hair and gave me a makeover? Now, that I think of it Felix mentioned Anya working for them. 

"So what's the job?" I asked. Felix stared at me with an unknown expression. 

"Gabriella, I know the last mission was very...hard for you-" He pressed his lips into a thin line. 

"And I know that it is pretty risky to send you but-" 

"It's risky because you are still afraid that I'm the spy?" I couldn't help but say. Isabella gave me her hand under the table as a sigh of comfort. 

"No. No. Gabriella that's not what we meant" Felix said as Vincent flinched. I shook my head.

"Gabby, It's risky for you!" Felix said and my lips parted in understanding. 

"We were worried about Victor's men spotting you. Hell. I have been obsessing about it for the past two days. Trying to find any other solution but sending you both. But we have no choice. This needs to be done. I wanted to discuss it with you two" He explained.  

"I'm sorry" I muttered as I looked down at the papers in my hands. 

"How important is the job?" Isabella asked as she squeezed my hand. I sent her a small smile. 

"It's Christofer's top priority, now. All of us have been stressed over this. He is going crazy, trying to find out who is the spy. And then another spy in the clubs. We are trying to sort this out" Vincent explained. My thoughts went back to Christofer's angry state as he punched the punching bags like an animal. I tightened my hold on the files. 

I knew the risks. I knew what could happen. But I wanted to help. I didn't want to see any of my friends in this state anymore. I didn't want to see Isabella so nervous. Didn't wanna see Felix and Vincent so tired. And I didn't want to see Christofer stressed out.  I wanted to help. And I knew what I was doing. I was saving innocent girls. I was doing something they failed to do for me. 

"I'm in," I said. Isabella looked at me with a small smile and nodded. 

"Me too," she said. Felix took a deep breath and smiled. 

"Now, tell us what we have to do" I folded my arms together. 

"You two will start out as dancers. Keep an eye on everyone" He said and I had to take a deep painful breath. I nodded. 

"You have a regular small routine of dancing. Catch their attention. Do everything you can to get them alone. You both will be armed and we will have wires around you in case of emergency" Felix said his eyes lingering on me. I chuckled. 

"After you, both get them in separate directions you will have to do this-" Felix continued. After we were done with everything me and Isabella went to my room. It was time to teach her how to be a seductress. 

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