Hit Me ~ (xVanoss)

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Age: 28
Warning: Smut / Abuse

Request For : Delirious61


  I watched as Trey left for work as I sighed in relief. When the love between us died, power arose in him. No longer did he go on dates with me. No longer did he cherish my company or speak my name with softness.

  His new life working night and day to pay the bills only left room for a rage he could not suppress and there was no other target but me. At first there was guilt, an attempt to stop, but soon he gave in, realizing how much he enjoyed beating his fists into my skin.

  With every hit he felt a cold zing of delight, a buzz he could get no other way. He'd laugh at the way my face looked distorted and the way I would cry out in pain pleading for him to stop, he loved it. I silently got up walking over to his computer turning it on.

  Usually I played with a few of my friends, all of them were oblivious to the fact my boyfriend would beat me up. The only person who seen me was Evan, that's how I actually met them. He too never seen Trey, I didn't dare bring it up do him but told him I was dating, funny thing was he seemed upset at it.

  I logged into my Skype seeing my favourite people were on, Delirious, Wildcat, Basically, Nogla, and Evan himself. I was about to click Evan's name before I was cut off by a call himself as I happily excepted. "Hey Guys!"


  It's been an hour or so as we all were playing GMOD laughing until I heard a door slam.. shit. "Y/N I'M HOME!" I gulped quickly gathering my things excusing myself from the call. "Hey is something up Y/n?" I sighed at Tyler's question, I couldn't tell them.

  "Sorry guys I just really have to g-" SLAP I screamed in pain as I fell to the ground with tears in my eyes, not again. "There you are bitch! I TOLD YOU NOT TO BREAK MY STUFF!" "Y/-," AR-" "H-" The voices were cut off as he threw the headset of my head punching me in the process, "YOU'RE GOING TO PAY Y/N!"

  I screamed pushing him away until he forced his hands above my head glancing down at me with a smile. "You're not getting away this time." He growled in my ear as he began to undress himself taking his belt to tie my hands up. I cried kicking him in the stomach for him to let me go but it was no use.

  He began to grabbed my shorts until I heard a grunt as his body fell onto my mine as I stared at the man, it was Evan himself. I cried silently as he untied the belt from my hands pulling me close as I cried onto him shoulder. "Why..why didn't you tell me?" I tensed a bit feeling distraught and unable to speak, I was terrified.

  "It's alright Y/n, just, just pack your things your coming to my place." I nodded standing up seeing his tinted pink face as I grabbed my bag packing my shit, I'm finally leaving.


  I woke up in the arms of someone as I opened my eyes and noticed Evan was carrying me as I watched the back of him.

  "E-Evan?" I groaned looking back at me to see Evan staring at me with a smile. "You're awake, you'll be staying with me for a couple of days until the bastard is finally away from you." He growled under his breath as he stared at me with his brown eyes.

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