Chapter 30 -

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Olivia's POV


Danny pushed Luke against the wall, grabbing him by the collar,

"why the fuck did you hurt her?" He growled .

"I-it wasn't what it looked l-like " Luke looked really scared

"that's what they all say!"
I finally spoke up.

"Olly, p-pleas-"

"No Luke! I'm tired of giving you chances, first I tell you my secrets and you go tell Ariana, and now this ? Fuck no Luke, just leave me alone"

I walked up the stairs, but not before I hear a scream,

I turned around to see Danny pounding Luke's face.

I used all my strength to push Danny off of Luke, luckily I did.

"Stop it ! Stop hurting him!"

"Olivia, he hurt you, he deserves this!"

"Just leave him alone, please leave Danny"

"Alright, but call me if you need anything" he walked out.

"Luke" I whispered, all I got back was a small whimper.

"I-I'm sorry Olly" he could barely speak

"not right now Luke, let's get you cleaned up"

when I tried to help him stand up, all he did was groan,

"sorry" I mumbled

"it's okay" he gave me a weak smile.

he sat on the bathroom counter, as I reached for a towel.

"I'm really sorry Olivia"

I dabbed the towel on his cheek, he hissed.

"A 'sorry' won't help, you've hurt me a lot, I don't know if I can trust you again"

I tried my best not to make eye contact with him.

"please Olly, you have to believe me when I say it wasn't what it looked like"

"then what was it?" I snapped .

"After taking the picture, she got up all close on me, I tried to push her away, but she wouldn't budge, I saw her look behind me with a smirk, but before I went to go see what she was staring at, she had already kissed, she forced herself on me, please Olly, I would never do anything to hurt you" he begged.

"I don't think I'm ready for a relationship right now, I just want some space please Luke" a tear ran down my cheek.

"how can I give you space! I love you, Olly!"

"no you don't, don't say those words if you don't mean them"

"Olly - "

"no Luke j-just leave me alone for now"

I ran out the bathroom into my room.

I layed on the bed, facing the ceiling .

why just why me?

he can't love me,

he just can't .

he doesn't,

I know it's a lie .


AN :

Two chapters in one day, sorry if there's any misspelled words 😳
I hope you liked these two chapters, I will be updating soon.

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love ya !

- A x

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