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My favorite artist blasts through the speakers as I dance around the shower

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My favorite artist blasts through the speakers as I dance around the shower. I welcome the hot water sliding over my skin creeping down my back and relaxing the tensest of places. It would seem that a shower can cure most of your stresses just by taking the time to enjoy the silence and letting go the worries you may be having along the way.

I felt as though everything seems to pause for a moment as I was able to actually enjoy my life. The office life was only beneficial to have a stable income but not everyone enjoyed sitting in a business suit for hours or enclosed in a cubical for long periods of time. I understand the definition of insanity in those moments.

"May I join?"

His voice interrupts that of my thoughts. When he steps into the shower his tanned skin glistening from the sweat. I assumed he must have gone for a jog. "Of course," I breathe.

The sight of his nude body causes me to blush slightly as he's actually the one who wanted to join me. I feel his fingers wrap around my waist as he pulls me close to his embrace. Even the shower couldn't relax me as much as him.

"This was a great idea, Ellie."

"I'm glad you like it."

"You have truly amazed me beyond words. I don't even know how I could ever make you this amazed," he states.

I turn around wrapping my arms around his neck. "I don't want you to feel like you have to make me amazed. I just simply want you next to me. We can play video games or take naps together. Couple things." I sound exasperated by trying to think of the right words to say.

"Video games?"

"Have you ever played a video game?" I'm puzzled seeing how he may have been deprived of his basic childhood rights.

Mr. Hale lets the silence take over as the splashing sound of the water hitting the floor drowns out any noise other than the sound of my beating heart. He raises his fingers to grace over my shoulders tenderly. "There are many things I hadn't have the privilege of enjoying. The simple things in life seem to be foreign when you are someone of my stature. I sometimes even loathe that of a person with less wealth than me because it would seem that even my life of luxury would be something worth living." His voice drags out the melancholy laced underneath his bitterness.

"Your life is very much worth living. You have so much to offer the world, Xander. You have offered me so much that even the naivety of my own conscience seemed t–"

"I'm unworthy of you," he interrupts.

I feel his arms tighten the grip around my waist pulling in for a hug. This must be what peace feels like. To be comfortable in the arms of the person who has become more a part of you than even you could have imagined. The attachment I had towards this man had even seemed kind of intimidating knowing that I lacked no willpower to love another. It would be me that would be at a true loss if he ever did decide he wanted to be in a relationship no longer.

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