50 Asylum Names

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1} White Feather Physiatric Institute 

2} Genesis Mental Hospital

3} Rosemary Asylum ✩

4} Oakwood Isle Mental Institution 

5} Serenity Falls Mental Hospital

6} Clearwater Asylum

7} McMiller Physiatric Hospital

8} Saint Michaels Mental Asylum ✩

9} Holy Spirit Mental Institution

10} Azura Mental Hospital ✩

11} Peace Valley Sanatorium 

12} Saint Mary Physiatric Institution

13} Hamilton Asylum

14} Paradise Meadow Sanatorium

15} Maple Grove Mental Asylum

16} Cosgrove Asylum ✩

17} Serenity Mental Hospital

18} Country Hills Sanatorium

19} Harmony Valley Mental Institution ✩

20} McAdams Mental Asylum

21} Westwood Psychiatric Facility  ✩

22} Dogwood Asylum

23} Santana Valley Asylum ✩

24} Saint Peter's Psychiatric Hospital

25} Azure Lake Mental Institute

26} Golden Valley Mental Hospital

27} Black Pond Asylum

28} Golden Acre Psychiatric Facility 

29} Northern Mental Hospital

30} Hope Valley Mental Institution

31} West Mercy Mental Hospital ✩

32} Stillwater Asylum ✩

33} Denver Mental Asylum

34} Cornerfeilsd Psychiatric Hospital

35} Styx Mental Asylum ✩

36} Bloomingdale Sanatorium

37} Highland Garden Sanatorium 

38} Safe Haven Mental Institution✩

39} McKinney Mental Institution 

40} Snow Mountain Physiatric Hospital

41} Mirror Lake Mental Hospital

42} Ivy Grove Mental Asylum

43} Springfield Mental Institution

44} White Willow Mental Institution

45} Nirvana Heights Asylum ✩

46} Foxglove Asylum

47} Lost Souls Mental Institution

48} Aurora Heights Mental Asylum

49} Darrien Lake Physiatric Institute 

50} Paradise Springs Sanatorium 

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