Chapter Seveteen ~

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"So you're just alone all the time?" Blaine asked Baekhyun as we all sat around a table talking. "Seems like you and Eve have something in common again."

Baekhyun grinned. "Yeah, and what about you? Who's this arranged marriage with?"

Blaine rolled his eyes. "That's unimportant."

"Last time I checked, we weren't letting anyone into our group," Baekhyun chuckled. It was true. When we were all young and tiny, we said that we wouldn't let anybody join because it would only create drama and they wouldn't understand what "down the hatchet" meant to us.

"Exactly, Jackson," I agreed, looking up at the brown haired boy.

"She won't ruin the fun," Blaine insisted.

"You're just going to leave me and Eve to ourselves? Am I going to become in charge of the flirt role?" Baekhyun teased.

"No!" Blaine gasped, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Eve's mine to flirt with!"

"I don't appreciate being an object," I coughed, throwing his hand off me. "But I agree, Baek. It would be too weird to have someone else take his job."

Blaine nodded, holding on firmly to his title. Baekhyun just smiled and laughed to himself as he sipped his wine. "You know," he started, "we should all get together sometime. Just like we used to."

"Yeah!" Blaine cheered. "We could go to Eve's like we always did! And have a party – just the three of us. Maybe it could be overnight."

"If you want it to be overnight," I began, "I'll have two guards at my quarter's door and not just one."

"Oh Eve," Baekhyun said, his voice teasing and playful. "Why would you do such a thing as that? We don't bite. Well... depends on how good I'm feeling."

The two guys burst out laughing, big smiles painted on their faces. I sighed, sitting back in my seat. I wanted the cushion underneath me to open up and swallow me like some horrific story that children read. They hadn't changed a bit from when we were small. I remember when we all figured out what sex was and we never thought of our parents the same way ever again.

"I could never picture my dad doing that!" Blaine had gasped.

Baekhyun nodded. "Oh, I couldn't see my dad doing it either! He's so awkward and self-conscious."

"I wouldn't recommend doing anything, though." Blaine stood up and I knew he was going to say he had to run off again. "She carries a knife and who knows what else."

Baekhyun shook his head. "I wouldn't try anything. She deserves someone who's much, much better than me." His eyes darted to mine and they locked for a few seconds before Blaine interrupted us.

"I must be off!" he exclaimed, looking at all the other guests. He leaned down and planted a kiss on my cheekbone, something he hadn't done in a long while, so it surprised me. "Don't try anything, Baek, or I'll have to send an army after you."

Once Blaine was gone, I saw a crimson handkerchief drop in front of me. I looked up to see Baekhyun leaning forward across the table. "I know you want to. I can see his drool."

I snickered and took the cloth to wipe off my cheek. I handed it back to him and he returned to his chair. "He's uh, changed. Do you two still get together?"

"Sometimes," I answered honestly. "Usually just little day visits."

His eyes clouded over. "Oh."

Eve, he feels jealous! You can recover from that, just make sure to only talk about him! I wanted to slap myself. Here I was again, falling head over heels for someone I couldn't have. This would only turn out as a disaster and would make everything crumble around me once again. "I always thought that you would be busy-"

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