Ghost Princess ~ Two

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"Did I heard it right?" The librarian laughed so hard that he accidentally fell on the floor with his already red face. Quin frowned and grabbed the cart that was full of books and walked outside the Castle's library leaving the still laughing Librarian.

If one of the Princess' siblings heard about this, they might as well laugh along with the Librarian. But to Quin, she found it a bit admiring since the Princess wanted to read books rather than pleading her Father to forge an engagement paper for the Neighbouring Prince's to sign.

"Humph, I pity that new assistant of the Princess. I'm so happy that I did not get assigned by the Head Maid to be the servant for the Princess." A maid whispered to her friend.

Although Quin was in a long range from both of the two, she did not waste her youthful times frolicking in her village while looking at handsome men. No, she wasted her days practicing magic and political affairs hoping that one day that she will be under a higher up that might teach her about the world and kingdom affairs.

Well, her wish of being under a higher up came true but not the teaching bit.

"Princess?" Quin opened the large dull coloured door and saw her Mistress with a book and a pen in her hands while sitting cross-legged on the fluffy-looking bed.

"Just put the books next to the bed. After that, guard my room. I do not tolerate annoyances." The Princess ordered not even sparing a look at Quin.

The maid bowed and walked outside.

"After that Quin, go pick up the cake that I ordered from the chefs. You can have it." Quin stared at her Mistress, surprised that she's going to give her a cake. An aristocratic cake!

"Ah! Thank you Princess!" Quin said delightedly making Selena smile a bit. The blue haired maid then skipped out of the room with a happy aura.

After the maid left, Selena went back to writing things in her book.


It has been four or five hours since I came to this world. I do not know why but I feel like this is some kind of a Déjà Vu feeling but I've seen it in my dreams, or more likely, my nightmares.

I have never really know what it is like in the olden days but I do feel like not regretting on reading books that involves the sixteenth and eighteenth century and taking etiquette classes from my Step-Uncle who's lucky to be part of a Butler and Maid Learning College.

I am surprised that there's actually such things of a Butler and Maid College where you can learn on how to be a professional and classified Butler slash Maid.

Anyways, back to my fortunate or unfortunate situation, I do not think that this is an ordinary olden day century. I mean, who has shiny and glittery diamonds and floating candles as a source of light instead of a candle stick holder? I'm serious though..

I don't make up stuff unless I'm in a tight spot.

And another one is that Quin, my supposedly 'Maid', has a blue hair colour. It also looks natural, not dyed. I checked my appearance and almost screamed, I mean, who doesn't shriek by looking at their appearance every time they wake up from their slumber?

Other than seeing my weird appearance, I've been hearing weird noises outside the window. Okay, maybe I should stop eating sugar because I think I'm getting high.

Might as well read these books that Quin found for me.

See you soon my friend.

WattPad is drunk ya'll

It said in the reads that there are 66k reads and 2.1k votes. And according to a fellow reader, it says that there's 50 chapters when there's only one.

<or two if you want to count this chapter>

Anyways, hope you like this chap because you'll hate the other ones.


I got so many free time cause I finished my homeworks so might as well write the other chapters now.



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