05: Sometimes Sunshine Makes Things Better

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It takes Liam an unusual amount of time to take a seat, mainly because there seems to be some sort of internal battle going on in his mind. Part of him wants to sit at the front so his father can see him, where the rest of the family will be sat, where Liam himself should be. The more rational part of Liam wants to sit at the back, away from the action, wanting anything but to cause a scene.

Eventually Isaac chooses for him, picking a seat that is pretty much slap bang in the middle. It wasn't like they had much choice anyway, in all Liam's reluctance to go through with this they're running a little late and the church has quickly filled up.

Liam stares at the picture on the front of the order of service for several minutes, Isaac tries to peer over his shoulder.

Liam's father doesn't look like anything he'd imagined, Isaac isn't quite sure what he was expecting, potentially just an older version of Liam but instead Liam clearly definitely takes after his mother. Isaac just can't link the aging, balding man in the photo to the ray of sunshine sat next to him.

They don't say anything, although the church is full of a quiet murmur of chatter. Isaac is at a loss, he wants to assure Liam that everything is going to be okay but he's pretty sure that the other boy is already sick of hearing him say that. After all it's not as if Isaac can promise that, he has as little idea of what is going to happen as Liam does, he can only promise he'll be here afterwards to try and make things better.

Isaac thinks he might be as terrified as Liam is. He needs this to go well, he has no idea what he's supposed to do if it doesn't. Sure he's promising ice cream, but he's not an idiot, he knows that ice cream is not going to make up for an absentee father who really doesn't care. But he's not sure what else he's supposed to do or say, is he supposed to leave Liam alone? Force him to engage in social activities?

Then Isaac feels stupid for worrying about this, because this is Liam's big day, Liam's reckoning and maybe rather than worrying about himself Isaac should be reassuring Liam that there's nothing to worry about.

It's not true though and so both boys stay silent.

When the music starts and the congregation stands Isaac realises that Liam is shaking, he doesn't know what comes over him but he grabs the other boy by the hand and squeezes tightly. It's all going to be okay conveyed in a single gesture. No matter what happens, Isaac is going to make sure that absolutely everything is amazing for Liam.

That's what friends are for.

They seem to be standing for ages, and Liam's grip on his hand tightens when the bride comes into view. Isaac supposes it must be strange, seeing the woman who your father thinks can replace your mother. He may be biased, but he thinks the original Mrs Powell is more attractive. Of course the woman walking down the aisle can't be blamed, for all Isaac knows she may not even know of Liam's existence, he prays to God that that isn't the case.

They take their seats again when the rest of the congregation does and Isaac finds himself somehow unable to focus on the words being said. I mean technically it's not important, he has little interest in whatever the couple are saying in their vows. His mind is straying back to an event he didn't even attend and wondering whether Liam's dad said the exact same words to his mum or whether he's bothered to change it up this time.

It doesn't take too long for the ceremony to be over thankfully. There's a lot of talking, and then there's the kiss (Liam closes his eyes Isaac notes) and there's waiting for the happy couple of leave the church.

Isaac turns to Liam with a cautious smile.

"That wasn't too bad."

It's true, and Isaac can tell Liam agrees by the slight curve of his mouth. Of course it would have been even better if they weren't here, or if they'd been invited at the very least. But it was tolerable, and right now that's about as much as Isaac feels he has a right to ask for.

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