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They had moved up to Fletch's bedroom at some point and were now lying in his bed.
It was still only mid afternoon
"Doing that in the middle of the day feels very naughty" said Jac . She was lying on her stomach tracing patterns on Fletch's bare chest with her finger
"I know" he said contentedly "you OK?"
"Perfect except for one thing"
"What?" Fletch asked suddenly worried
"I got so caught up in the moment I didn't tell you that I love you too"
Fletch breathed a sigh of relief "now that is extremely good news. I was worried that you'd just kissed me straight after me saying that to distract me from the fact that you didn't feel the same" he said only half joking
"You fool. You didn't really think that did you?"
Jac was horrified
"Erm well you know... I'm me and well, you're you"
"And that is exactly why I do love you" She said kissing his chest where her hand had been "on paper we are a disaster. Never gonna happen, couldn't be more different"
"But it works" he said hugging her to him
"I do love you Jac. I'm so pleased you turned up on my doorstep like a drowned rat"
"Me too" she agreed " do you think this would have still happened if I had gone away?"
"well I was furious that you'd walked away as soon as I said we had to talk about everything that we hadn't been, but looking back I was so annoyed because I realised I loved you and had only just managed to pluck up the courage to ask you to talk because I had absolutely no idea how you felt although Freida and Becky were dropping massive hints"
"Regular Cupids those two"said Jac dryly "although Becky does fancy the pants off you. She's quite obsessed with your backside. Roll over a minute Fletcher"
Fletch laughed and rolled onto his side so he had his back to her
" hmm" said Jac pretending to assess his 'buns of steel' for the first time. "Yes she makes a valid point" giving him a playful slap before he turned once more onto his back
" confession" Jac said "I'd checked out those bad boys way before Becky spotted them"
Fletch laughed "so if you had gone away Jac, unless you were swept off your feet by a Greek god. 'This' as you put it was inevitable"
"Inevitable? You think"
"we just needed a kick start to begin talking honestly. And the rest" he said turning to face get a kissing her deeply " would take care of itself"
"Mmm" Jac moaned. How had she got this lucky given her track record. 'I'm not gonna screw this one up ' she thought. He's too special

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