Chapter Three

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Tyler Lockwood

I watch as my best friend, Matt Donovan, paces, glancing every few minutes at the clock. "Dude, will you quit it?" I ask, and Matt stops pacing, looking over at me.

"You know, you could at least pretend to be concerned for your sister's health." Matt says and I scoff.

"Says the guy who made out with my baby sister." I say, and Matt shakes his head. "What the hell were you thinking?"

"You know what, Ty? I'm not getting into this with you," Matt says, shaking his head again. But then, he looks right at me, glaring. "Screw it." He mutters. "No, you know what, Tyler? She likes me, a lot, so stop being such a fucking dick." Matt says. I can't help but chuckle at that. "Quit laughing." Matt huffs. "None of this is funny. She could be in there dying right now, Tyler. And the last thing she said to you was that she'd kill you if you did anything to me. How can you seriously not care about your little sister?"

"Fuck you, man." I say, and Matt is suddenly up in my face.

"Screw you." Matt says. "She's your little sister. Instead of treating her like shit all of the time, maybe try taking care of her. That girl has tried everything to gain your love, but all you've done is push her away." His blue eyes blaze as he stares at me, and I realize he's right. As Matt notices all of the fight go out of me, he says, "Maybe you should try being sympathetic to her, Ty. She could have lost her virginity to Jeremy because they both were messing with stuff they shouldn't have been. Irisa isn't like the other girls here in Mystic Falls, you know."

I nod, biting my lip. My little sister isn't like the other girls. The fact that she likes Matt says it all better than anything else ever could. I'm relieved that she's had him around to talk to, but also a bit annoyed that I've been such a dick that my little sister is too scared to talk to me about what happened that night with Jeremy. "You said she was messed up over Jeremy." I remind him quietly.

"Not really that she's messed up, Ty. Just that the situation is kinda messed up. When you're strung out like that, you can't really comprehend what's going on at the time, much less later once the drugs leave your system. Risa doesn't really understand everything that happened, Tyler. She was scared because Jeremy broke her wrist, she thought he meant to. But I've talked to him. He cares about her, she's his best friend. She'll always be his best friend. Even if she can't be in the same room as he is now." Matt says, looking away.

"You care about her." I say, and Matt nods. "The question is, how much?" I ask him. Matt looks back at me, the look on his face confused. "Do you love her?" I ask him.

"Tyler, that's got to be the stupid thing you've ever asked me. Of course I love your sister. I've loved her since she was a little kid. Just like Vicki loves her." Matt tells me.

"But are you in love with her?" I urge him to answer me. "You made out with her, Matt. I need to know the truth."

Matt sighs. "I don't know. I like her, a lot, Tyler." Matt admits. "I always have. I just never thought she would kiss me like that. It scared the hell out of me."

"I bet." I smile.

Matt sighs again. "It's my fault, isn't it?"

"What?" I demand.

"The bleeding..." He trails off for a moment.

"What do you mean? She was beat up, Matt. That had nothing to do with you." I tell him.

"I made out with her though. Maybe I shouldn't have." Matt says, shaking his head. "She wouldn't stop kissing me, and she just started having trouble breathing all of a suddent."

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