↠Queen - 009

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" A New Era "

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" A New Era "

It was early in the morning when Sage and the Marauder arrived back at Hogwarts. The news of the Queen's death reached the Castle as soon as Sage's coronation did. The group walked down the halls loudly as they joked around and shoved one another playfully. "Okay, but tell me your aunts son yelling in the middle of the speech wasn't hilarious!" James said to Sage. "Maybe after, but it was embarrassing at first! Could you imagine that happening to you? It was like someone standing up and saying they object at your wedding!" Sage told him with a smile, and James started laughing, "I couldn't even understand how angry your aunt must have been," Peter inserted himself into the conversation. "She was furious Peter, you could see in her eyes. Her face was so red!" Sage started laughing too.

As the group was walking, four girls walked past them and stared at James and Sirius, causing Sage, Remus, and Peter to roll their eyes. "Good morning girls," Sirius winked at them playfully. Sage slapped his shoulder and pushed him forward towards the tower. "Don't talk to them! It'll make it worse!" Sage scolded him. "Make what worse?" Sirius asked, obviously confused. "We have to deal with them after you go and shag them! Knock it off! I don't need four more harlots coming to me asking for you!" Remus broke into laughter as the vulgar words came out of the Queen's lips. "Oh, my Merlin! Sage!" Sirius grabbed Sage and squeezed her face, "My poor innocent Sage! I'm so sorry you have to deal with them!" He said to her in baby talk. "Sirius, she gonna punch you in the face if you don't stop," Remus warned him. Sirius looked down at Sage, who was glaring at him intensely. "What?" He questioned. "You're standing on my dress," Sage said angered.

Stepping back, Sirius stared at the red, orange, and gold dress. It had exposed her shoulders and collarbone but covered every other bit of her, and had a train that extended far. Remus and Peter also looked at the dress and laughed when they saw the slight crease in the front from where Sirius had his shoe. "When you're sleeping tonight, you better have one eye open, Sir Black, because I might just suffocate you with this," Sage threatened him. "Stop calling me Sir Black," Sirius said bluntly, completely ignoring the Queen's word. "I'm sorry, Sir Black, but I cannot do that," Sage emphasized the words, causing the rest of the boys to laugh. People started to gather in the hallways as breakfast was about to begin, and the people stared at the newly crowned Queen as she wore her large crown. "Sage!" The girl turned around only to be slammed into a hug by a certain redhead. "Lily! I missed you!" Sage hugged her back.

"Boys, I'll meet you in the Great Hall, I have to spend some time with my Lily Flower over here," Sage told the boys as she wrapped her arm around Lily's waist and started walking away with her. The boys all smiled and nodded their heads. "So, tell me what I missed," Sage asked when they were far enough from the others. "Not much, I spent a lot more time in the library since you weren't here to drag me out. Also, the Slytherins pranked the Gryffindors in hope that you and your other friends wouldn't find out and be able to retaliate... Oh! Marlene has a new boyfriend, Damon Grace, the Ravenclaw," Lily informed her. "Damon Grace? Isn't he a Seventh year? What is he doing dating a Fifth year?" Sage said slightly disgusted. "Alice and I said the same thing! Why would a boy in his last year of school start something with a girl two years away from that!" Lily exclaimed to Sage. "Speaking of Alice, how is she? Is she still dating Frank Longbottom?" Sage tilted her head slightly. "She's good, and yes, they still are," Lily smiled.

Sage and Lily make it into the common room and sat down on the couches, their conversation going onto a completely different topic before Marlene and Alice proceed to join them. "Sage!" Both the girls exclaim in happiness. "Ladies," Sage smiled at them and stood back up to hug them before sitting down once again. "So, I heard you have yourself a new suitor, Marlene," Marlene's face turned red as the rest of the girls laughed at her. "I never knew you were into older men," Sage continued to tease her friend. Marlene pushed Sage's shoulder lightly and hid her face in her hands. "I think Alice should get a round of applause for holding a boyfriend this long," Lily clapped her hand towards Alice causing the girl to giggle. "Let us also give a round of applause to Lily for resisting a boy for as long as she has," Sage joked. Lily rolled her eyes and glared at Sage. "I will never, NEVER, be with James Potter. I'm not resisting, I'm ignoring,"

"I'm sorry to cut this short, ladies, but I promised my boys that I would join them for breakfast. I'm sure they've heard about the Slytherins too, so that will only add up. I'll see in classes," Sage smiled and hugged each girl once again before leaving for the Great Hall.

"Ms. Mary, I must say congratulations on your recent changes, I know it might be much to handle, but I couldn't see anyone else doing it but you," Professor McGonagall told Sage with a smile. "Thank you, Professor, It's very relieving to hear that," Sage thanked her and smiled back. "Your dress is very pretty too," The Professor complemented her. "Thank you, it was my mothers. I was told to keep it on until tomorrow, they said it is a way of celebration," The younger girl couldn't help let her smile grow. "Ms. Mary is going to be a very good Queen," Headmaster Dumbledore said as he walked into McGonagall's classroom. "She has a heart of gold and a head of steel. There is no way she could be a bad leader, after all, it was what she was born to do," Dumbledore continued on. "Thank you, Headmaster, it truly is an honor Sir, but I must leave now," Sage excused herself. "Are you going somewhere?" Dumbledore asked her. "Remus asked to speak with me after classes, and I'm running a few moments behind," She told the older man as she collected her things. "Well, you must hurry then, you wouldn't want to keep Mr. Lupin waiting," Dumbledore smiled at her, and there was a sparkle in his kind blue eyes.

"Remus! Where are you?" Sage called out as she walked through the woods. Her heels dug slightly into the mud with every step she took. "Sage?!" A voice exclaimed, their voice heavy as if they were out of breath. "James? Is that you?" Sage questioned. "What are you doing out here?!" He ran up to her and tried to pull her out of the woods. "What the bloody hell are you doing! Remus told me to meet him out here! Let go of me!" Sage pulled her arm out of his grasp. "He did what!" James couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You know where is, don't you?" Sage asked. "Just... Ugh! Come with me!" He grabbed her arm once more and started pulling her again. Sage struggled as the boy pulled on her, he was running and not only was she in heels, but a very big and long dress. "Bloody hell James, where is he? Is something wrong?" Sage started to become scared when James didn't answer her question.

"What is she doing here!" Sirius shot up when he saw James return with Sage. "Remus told her to meet him here, and I didn't know what the hell to do!" James told Sirius with frustration. "What is happening?!" Sage demanded from the boys around her. "Sage, you really shouldn't be here, you better go back," Peter said to her softly amid all the yelling. Sage looked at Peter, "I'll go back when I find out what you lot are doing," She responded to him. A loud howling sound could be heard from a closer distance than what was comfortable for the group. "Sage! Go-" James panicked voice was cut off by a large figure jumping towards them.

Sirius reached out for Sage and grabbed her, and then threw them forwards to the ground. "Bollocks!" Sage exclaimed when her body hit the ground. "Shhhh!" Sirius whisper/yelled in her face. Sage looked over at the figure that jumped at them and stared at it as James and Peter tried to distract it. "Is that a bloody Werewolf?" Sage whispered to Sirius, to which he nodded his head to answer her question. "Where is Remus? Is he okay?!" Sage tried to push Sirius off of her but struggled against the boy's strength. "Sirius Black, where is Remus!" She demanded as she kept struggling. "Stop talking, Sage, he's going to hear you," Sirius whispered.

"He?" Sage looked at Sirius weirdly, "How do you know that thing is a--" Sage cut herself off and looked at the Werewolf.

"Oh my Merlin, that's Remus,"

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