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"Just one more Vera, smile nice and wide." Carol held up her old camera, snapping the hundredth photo of the girl.

Vera rolled her eyes smiling for the camera. "Come on Gran, I'm going to be late! I don't want Stanley thinking I stood him up!" Vera grabbed her gran's arm and pulled her out the door. Carol just laughed at the young girl.

"Okay, okay."

It was the day of the dance. It had been about a month since school had started up. Vera talked to the losers since she had one of them in every class. She wasn't quite sure where she stood with Stan though. They hadn't kissed since that day back in September, but they still talked all the time.

She joined him bird watching and he joined her at the library. They went out for ice cream, for a swim at the quarry. Anyone who didn't know them would assume the young couple were dating.

She kept her promise to Stanley and was accompanying him at homecoming. Of course, the other boys would be there too.

As for things with her Grandmother, their relationship was stronger than ever. They apologized to each other and promised to talk to each other about everything. Vera told her Gran about every time she hung out with Stanley and how things went. She'd even invited Stanley for dinner one night.

She had really taken a liking to the curly haired boy and Vera was glad. The last thing she needed was for her Gran disapproving.

Carol pulled up to the school that had become all too familiar to Vera. "Have fun, and remember our rules-" Vera cut off her Gran chuckling. "Yes, yes of course. Don't be out too late, keep the boys in their place, and have fun. I got it, Gran."

Carol leaned over placing a kiss on Vera's forehead. "Oh, you look so beautiful... Just like your mother." Vera smiled at her comment.

"She would be so proud of you, you know?" Vera's face lit up. "You really think so?" She asked looking sweetly at her Gran. "Oh, I know so." She returned the smile.

"Now go have fun. You don't want to leave the poor boy waiting." Vera opened the car door stepping out. Her yellow converse and white socks covered her feet and a simple plain matching yellow dress covered her body. It went just above her knees and was flowy.

She waved goodbye to her grandmother who drove off down the road. She walked towards the school seeing familiar faces as she walked by. She wore her hair down in beach waves like it usually looked.

She walked into the large gym and looked around for her friends. Kids were already dancing to the loud music playing through the speakers. Vera walked by the punch table being managed by a teacher and noticed her friends sitting down on the bleachers.

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