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Harry's POV

"Harry, stop! You're going to make me drop the turkey!" Cassandra scolded twisting her body around so my arms are no longer wrapped around her small yet noticeable baby bump.

I let her waist go as she walks to the counter and sits the pan with the turkey down.

"Oh come on, it's Christmas!" I say giving her my famous smirk.

"Stop that." She told me scrunching up her eyebrows.

"Stop what?" I ask playing dumb still holding the smile.

"You know what." She said with a hint of sass.

"You don't like my smile?" I questioned walking towards her.

I wrapped my arms yet again around her stomach.

"Yes, I like your smile but no, I do not like that smirk." She told turning around and tracing my lips.

"You're so sexy." I rasped in her ear biting on it lightly.

"Maybe we should forget the turkey and go upstairs and have a bit a fun yeah?" I asked leaving small kisses up and down her neck.

"Harry, it's Christmas. Stop being so horny." She told me walking away and over to the fridge.

I watch as her bum bounced perfectly in her yoga pants I had gotten her as an early Christmas gift. I knew they would look sexy as ever on her.

"What about just a quicky?" I pleaded.

She quickly turned around and yelled lightly at me.

"No! Harry, my parents will be here in less than an hour." I looked down at the ground hoping to make her feel bad and give in.

"What about a kiss?" I asked with puppy dog eyes.

She exhaled quickly before answering with,

"Yes, you can have a kiss." I jumped with excitement and hurried over to her grabbing her waist and ducking her down then slowly kissing her plump pink lips.

I deepen the kiss asking for entrance-

"Mommy, Daddy! What are you doing?"

Sophia, our three and a half year old daughter, asked walking into the kitchen carrying her teddy bear , Teddy.

Ben thought she would need it more than him so he let her have it. I thought it was sweet of him after all I did to that child, I'm surprised he even talks to me.

"Loving on each other." I replied to my daughter's question.

"Well can I be loved on?" She asked smiling up at the two of us.

"Of course, Sweetie." Cassandra said bending down and picking her up.

Even though the doctor said no lifting Cassie is still determined to hold her first child.

"Give big kisses to Mommy." I said to Sophia and she did just that.

We held each other in our arms for as long as possible. Life truly is perfect...

"Styles, it's time to get up.... Now!" I heard a stern voice speak.

I slowly opened my eyes to be met with not a big comfy house with the smell of turkey cooking in the stove and the warmth of family near by but only the cool dark walls and a hard bed I laid on.

"Get up, your trial is today." It took a minute before everything slowly started to come back to me.

The wreck.

Cassandra, Zayn getting shot.

Going to jail. It all hit at once.

"No!" I yelled, This can't be I thought to myself.

"Now or else." He spoke sternly to me.

I slowly stood from the bed walking over to the door. He unlocked it for me then cuffed my hands behind my back.

Once standing in front of him I sit in the court room awaiting my fate.

I know what life has in store for me next will be bad because they know about my father and of course they know I kidnaped Cassandra and Ben.

I just don't think I could live my life in jail, I will go insane if I do.

I hear my name being called so I make my way to the stands. I sit before the judge and the jury who stare blankly at me. As I'm looking at the people sitting before me I spot two familiar faces.

It's Cassandra's parents. Her mother is holding back tears and her father just glares at me. I look away from the hard stares.

"Well, well Mr. Harold Edward Styles. We've been looking for you for years, you know that right?" The judge asked.

"Yes, Sir." I replied.

I knew bad manners wouldn't help my case so I was nice.

"It seems you've gotten yourself in even more trouble than last time I heard your name." He told me.

"You've kidnapped, beaten and sexually-"

"I did not sexually assault her." I said interrupting.

I heard a sniffle come from the small crowd, it being her mother.

"Let me finish, Styles." He spoke glaring at me.

"Yes, Sir." I sat back in my chair knowing I just need to let this blow over.

"You've kidnapped, beaten and sexually assaulted a young girl by the name of Cassandra Lowe. Is this true?" He asked pushing his glasses to the end of his fat nose.

"No, Sir." I answered truthfully.

"Really?" He asked acting surprised that would be my answer.

"I never touched her, Your Honour." He flipped through papers, reading, before speaking.

"At the age of fourteen you were diagnosed to be psychotic. After killing your father you were then sent to a mental institution for two years until you escaped, then were never seen again until just a few days ago. Now is that true?"

"Yes, Sir. It is." I admitted.

"Now it says here you are still messed up in the head and when you killed your father you didn't truly know what you were doing. You said to the nurse that a demon was telling you to do it."

He chuckled to himself.

"I didn't think being psycho was an actual thing. I just thought some people like to use their dark imagination a bit more than others but it says here you do have mental issues and that you were not in control of your body." I knew the paper is right, I wasn't.

It was him.

He did it, he made me do the horrible things.

"So with that said, Harold for the kidnaping and beating of Cassandra Lowe and the murder of Devon Styles, seven years with Psychosis mental brain damage." He hits the gavel two times on it's wooden stand then stood to leave the court room filled with yelling and cussing towards the judge but I was thankful.

Only seven years, I guess that disorder does have it's ups. I'll be out before I know it.



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