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Hey guys this my new story hope u like it.

'But Mom do I have to?'asked a wavy haired girl

'Yes Marissa u have to.'replies her mother

Marissa Zarians was starting kindergarten today.She was nervous.

'Ok I will go.'says Marissa sulkily

'Now lets go or u will be late.' says her mother.

So they both get in the car and set out for kindergarten.They soon reach there.

'Now I have to go.'says Marissa's

'Aww,ok bye mom.'says Marissa's

So her mom went.Marissa began feeling small and lost.A teacher began coming her way.

She kneeled down beside Marissa and asked her'Hello dear,are u Marissa Zarians ?'

'Yes.'replied Marissa

'Come with me.'said the teacher and took her to a corner of the room

'Now stay here.'said the teacher and went to fetch more kids

Marissa felt like she was the only one without a friend.A girl came her way.

'Hello.'said the girl

'Ahh hello, what's your name?'Marlia asks

'Livia Erelana 'the girl replied with a chesire cat grin on her face.'What's yours?'

'Marissa Zarians.'says Marlia 'Are u new?'

'Yes.'says Livia'Are u?'

'Yes.'says Marissa 'Where's the teacher.'

'Ur asking me I hv been waiting for her for one hour.'says Livia.

Just the then theacher came to them.

'Follow me.'she said and took them to the center of the room where children were learning abcd.

'Now sit down.'said the teacher.

So they sat down and Livia asked Marissa Friends.'and holded out a hand to shake.

'No,best friends.'says Marlia

And that was how their friendship began.

Time skip to one month.

'Ur my best friend.'says Livia

'I know that.'says Marlia 'That's why I m calling u Liv or Livi.

'Ok and I m going to call u Marior Mar.'says Livia and she turns to the corner where they met'Look a new girl.'

'Maybe we should go make her happy.'says Marissa feeling sorry for the new girl."

'Yeah espically since miss always cares for the new students.'Livia remarked sarcastically

'Liv'says Marlia warningly,glaring at her.Knowing her friend's wild toungue only god knew what she was going to say.The only persons who could stop her were her family and Marlia.

'Ok,ok I will stop.'says Livia

They both make their way towards the new student.

'Hey there.'says Liv'I m Livia Rillings,this is my best friend Marlia Narians,so what's ur name?'

'I can indroduce myself but thank u for doing it.'says Marlia jokingly

'Ahhh,hi my name is Marissa Alins.'says the girl'I hv a friend who should be coming in one min I m just waiting for her.'

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