Chapter 38 | Sometimes Life Doesn't Go As Planned

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Here's another late update!

Too lazy to write an excuse this time so come up with one from my plenty of ones I've used before :)

Fun Fact: I always listen to a song to set the mood of a chapter and only when I think it really reflects a mood so I ever link it!

So maybe I'll do a 'Third Wheel' soundtrack!

Anyways, please send me questions you wanna ask the characters! Also, check out my readers interactive book 'Lowkey Highkey A Kween' so you can stay up on all the updates and shit!



Be sure to vote, comment, follow (I've been getting more recently!), and share!


P.S. Hopefully the next update won't be this long from now! But I have a shit ton of homework so idek ;)


Chapter 38 | Sometimes Life Doesn't Go As Planned

Unlike what I had assumed, Grayson called once since the incident a couple weeks ago and we've gone from lovers to strangers faster than I could even imagine.

It was weird, I didn't expect to be dependent on someone else so much until I had met Grayson.

Even if I tried to make his leaving seem like a good thing it wasn't.

I was broken and still am but I was determined to not go apologize for something that wasn't my fault.

A couple times in the last couple weeks, I managed to make eye contact with Hailey, who laughed our break up off and chose to continue to pursue Gray.

As spring neared around, Belle and I have grown closer, learning that 'chicks before dicks' was a rule worth valuing.

The amount of times I've seen Gray might as well be close to none.

From what I know, he's nothing like what he was while we were dating.

It was like time played a cruel joke on me and we traveled back to when I was nothing more than a third wheel and it sucked.


"You should accept it!" Belle screamed, bouncing up and down on my bed.

I groaned and threw my head back, exhausted from the mere letter I just read.

"I'll miss you bitch but you can't just pass this up like it's nothing." She told me, grabbing the letter once more to make sure it read what she thought it did.

"Are you leaving?" Bradley questioned, holding his toy truck at a stop in his hand.

"I don't know yet, Brad." I said, picking him up and putting him on the bed next to Lincoln.

I glanced at the early acceptance letter on the table.

It was to the University of Alabama on a full scholarship in Journalism, as long as I went with the early acceptance program and graduating early.

That was Gray's school.

It was only a few weeks ago that I wished for graduation to come early so that I could leave and forget about him but now it seems as if fate wants to sickly bring us back together.

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