Chapter 9

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Midoriya's POV

After awhile, the front door slammed and Shoto walked back in. There was a red mark in the shape of a hand on the right side of his face. "He hit you?!" I said, shocked, as I ran up and caressed his cheek where he had been hit. Shoto looked down, clearly not wanting to make eye contact. I hugged him close and he hugged back shortly after. I brought him back to his bed and laid down next to him. Shoto turned on his side and hugged me close, burying his face in my hair.
Later on Shoto was in his kitchen, quietly singing to himself as he cooked food for us. He thought I was in his room, waiting, but I was secretly watching from the couch again. Sadly, he noticed this time. At first I thought he was mad as he walked up to me, but then he just started tickling me since I was ticklish basically everywhere.
"OMG! S-STOP!!" I yelled between laughs. Todoroki stopped and gave me one of his rare smiles. I caught my breath and smiled back smugly,"Are you ticklish?" I asked, standing in front of him and scanning his body for possible ticklish spots. "Nope." He said, yet I knew he was lying. I tried to tickle multiple places but they wouldn't work. Then I tried to tickle his side and he smiled and jumped back. I smugly smiled again and started to tickle him on his side. Shoto started dying of laughter.
His. Laugh. Is. AMAZING!!!
I stopped tickling him and said,"Your laugh is adorable." Shoto's face turned a little red. "Thanks..." He said, still trying to catch his breath a little bit. We both smiled at each other than Shoto went back to his cooking. We sat next to each other at his table and ate chicken parmesan, his favorite meal. "Wow. You are great at cooking." I said, finishing my food and putting my plate in the sink. "Thanks." Shoto said, also setting his plate in the sink. Then I had a sudden urge and dragged Shoto into the TV room, pinning him against the coffee table and smugly grinning like he did most times. Then we made out. For 10 minutes. We ended up on the couch, Shoto on the bottom and me on the top. I laid down on him and wrapped my arms around him, setting my head next to his head. I kissed his forehead as he fell asleep and I fell asleep right after.

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