62: livid.

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* rushed edit, sorry.

Luna and Anne entered the house, silence filling their ears as they placed the shopping bags in the hallway. It only took three trips to the car and back before all the bags were safely inside. Luna was eager to tell Harry all about her day, yet she felt a little anxious to tell him about the wedding dress and the fact his mother would be walking her down the aisle. Those pieces of information was the reason behind her day being so filled with love and happiness, yet she feared his reactions to each of those new facts.

"Harry?" Luna called, her voice was still fairly quiet as she assumed Gemma may still be sleeping off her illness upstairs. Luna walked to the living room door, it was open and she saw a sleeping body curled up on the long couch by the window. The blinds were closed, the sunlight from the afternoon sun being forced back by thick white blinds covering the window. She entered the living room, the mop of brown curls being all she could see as his face was hidden by his arms and a large pillow he'd taken from his bed upstairs. "Harry?" She whispered, getting to her knees in front of the couch, her face level with his. "Harry, wake up."

He groggily mumbled incoherent words for Luna to try and understand before his arms flew down in a stroppy manner before he flipped himself over to face the back of the couch. Luna loves when sleepy Harry is annoyed at being woken up, he just comes across as extremely adorable and she loves it. Also, annoying him seems to be one of her favourite activities.

"Harry," she cooed, stroking his hair and running her fingertips over his cheeks and lips, squeezing his nose ever so gently. She pressed her lips together to conceal her laugh, the moment she opens her mouth such a boisterous laugh will exit it would sure enough wake Harry up. But that would be absolutely no fun would it. "Hawwy," she whispered in a baby's voice, still holding his nose between her fingers. He suddenly began coughing, smacking her hand away and eyes wide in fright. He glared at the attacker before his green piercing, venomous eyes softened as he saw who it was.

"I hate you for that. But hi, good to see you're back," he rolled his eyes playfully, getting up and stretching out his arms. "Oh shit."

"Harry language!" Anne scolded as she appeared from the doorway. "For goodness sake, at least tell me you did something productive today."

"Yes mum, I did. My office is done, but I got a little sleepy," he admitted sheepishly. "I'll show you later," he smiled to me. "But anyway, I forgot to go shopping. We haven't any food in the house."

"Oh that's okay," Anne began, sitting herself down with a sigh. "We can just order something in."

"No! I wanted Luna and I, well mainly me, to cook for you guys. As a thank you for helping us move in finally," Harry pouted. Luna knew if Harry had his heart and mind set on doing something, he would have to do it. Nobody could make his mind swiftly change, not even she could.

"How about you and I go shopping then?" Luna asked, getting to her feet. She still had her shoes and jacket on, so all Harry had to do was grab his shoes, jacket and keys and they could go. The sooner the better, it was getting later in the evening now.

"Okay," Harry sighed, pretending it was such an inconvenience even though he was glad she offered and not his mother. He loves his mother, but shopping with her would mean she would force him to get all the vegetables he despised, and he didn't feel like slyly taking them out and shoving them back when she wasn't looking.

He exited the living room, tugging his shoes and thick brown jacket on— the one that reminded Luna of a teddy bear, before grabbing his keys and opening the door. As Luna said goodbye to Anne and joined him in the hallway she saw him eye up the crazy amount of white bags cluttering the front door. "I mean," Harry began. "Did you at least leave some items for the other shoppers?"

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