What day is today?

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Month of Dragon, Winter Season..

The Coldness of the Winter started to fade as a new season is Approaching..

The Situation at the Winter Field Region is starting to get better and Father will be back soon from the Winter field region. I don't want to admit it from anyone but I am just a little bit happy from the news of his return. Even he did a lot of awful things to Glaciel and I'm not a masochist for looking forward to see him. 

A new year has passed... but nobody has celebrated new year. It didn't exist in this world, why?! But Valentines day existed... I think they should remove it since the other occasions didn't exist.

Soon i won't be get cold because of the Winter Season. These Winter.. after the Establishing of the Reincarnated person's Tragedic End Prevention Group which was named Defy Fate, I decided to just stay in my room and improve my knowledge as other than reading and being copped up in the room there's no other thing that I can do.

I'm not a child to just stay inside and do nothing but be lazy and sleep.. That's the other children.. I still use my brain even it is barely functioning in the winter season.

Sometimes there was times where i go outside and lay on the snow and flapping my hands and feet, creating a snow man, playing snow ball fight with Clayder and Brother Glendale. I feel like a child but it is worth if I am enjoying my life and having fun.

I also think my relationship with Sister Grace is improving since she was also willing to play snowball fight with us.

Is it me or my mentality just keep degrading to a child because of this young and feeble body?

Last week this weak body of mine caught a cold and ended up with a fever resulting me to be in my room bedridden. Again, I really hate my body. Is my archery and body exercises is useless?


".. I didn't think.. I would ended up like this.."

Clayder is currently squishing a wet warm towel and place it on my head.

" Young Master, you're different from your Brother and Sister who has a stronger body than you." (Clayder)

" That's right, since you have no magic talent.. You're body has a weak resistance from diseases." (Grace)

" Grace.." (Glendale)

Brother Glendale stared at Sister Grace causing her to bow her head.

" I didn't mean it, Sorry.. " (Grace)

" It's alright.. since my body is just so weak..and Sister and Brother I know that I have really no talent in magic. "

For now..... But behold on my ice magic in the future!!

Brother Glendale started to pat Sister Grace's hair causing Sister to Glare at Brother.

" Brother!" (Grace)

" Young Master you will really easily caught a cold if you go outside playing in the snow with us." (Clayder)

" I know.."

I suddenly started coughing and glared at the ceiling. Ugh.. I hate this feeling.

" It was unfortunate that you have to stay here bedridden young master since people rarely open their shop during Winter season." (Clayder)

Clayder shook his head sighing regretfully as he stares at me but his eyes that was full of amusement was telling a different story.

" How many days would i end up here?"

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