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stranger bros
(human shrek lookin ass, pug face, stop using so much hairspray asshole)

human shrek lookin ass
guys i have a question

pug face
is it about how to not look
like shrek when he was sexy?

human shrek lookin ass
can you just-

pug face
sorry go on

human shrek lookin ass
what do you do when
you like someone

stop using so much hairspray asshole
ask them out

stop using so much hairspray asshole

human shrek lookin ass
but what if you can't?

stop using so much hairspray asshole
why can't you

human shrek lookin ass
because she doesn't like me

pug face
how can you be sure?

human shrek lookin ass
she friend zoned me

pug face

human shrek lookin ass

stop using so much hairspray asshole
well you're clearly talking about sonny

human shrek lookin ass
no i'm not

pug face
"yeah just friends"

pug face

pug face
you looked like you just
found out joes hair isn't
like that naturally

stop using so much hairspray asshole
oh fuck off pansy parkinson

pug face
ok ANYWAY you looked
disappointed AF

stop using so much hairspray asshole
yeah and you were all quiet after

pug face
its clear you're in love with her

human shrek lookin ass
i'm not fucking in
love with her

pug face
ok den

stop using so much hairspray asshole
don't deny it

human shrek lookin ass
fuck off

stop using so much hairspray asshole
stop being such a stupid cunt and
admit you love someone other than yourself

human shrek lookin ass

human shrek lookin ass
charlie i love you

pug face

pug face
i love you too dacre

stop using so much hairspray asshole
that's not-

stop using so much hairspray asshole
that's not what i meant-

the human shrek lookin ass

i wrote this and the next chapter like two months ago

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