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b) group progresses without hoseok. though, one member won't stand for this.


"time's ticking everyone."

taehyung's nonchalant tone sent chills down the spines of many, and the dire reminder that each passing second could've decided life and death, became a truth every one of them had grown accustomed to. beads of sweat kissed yoongi's bangs, as his eyes remain glued to the ground-vocal chords tangled into an intangible mess. jimin was the same, however didn't attempt to hide the sheen of tears glistening upon his moonbeam orbs, ebony gemstones that within them held tidal waves of anxiety.

seokjin ran his fingers through his rosy locks, gripping at them as he wallowed further in a pit of hatred towards the mahoganette,  the suggestion to abandon hoseok resting at the tip of his tongue. and namjoon? taking note at the expressions of his fellow survivors, the blonde took a hand away from his injury, straightened his posture, and allowed the fire burning in his eyes to burn all forms of self- doubt away. before the words left jin's mouth, namjoon's resolve had sliced through the heavy atmosphere like a knife of flames to butter.

"i'm going after him."

at this announcement,  gasps elicited throughout the room as all eyes glued to his form.  namjoon, who was injured at that, wanted to go after, hoseok? the same guy who left in the face of death? at his words, everyone began speaking. casting a steely gaze laced with concern towards the blonde, yoongi felt slivers of heat prick at his neck.

"you understand what that means, with that arm of yours at that?" the ravenette spoke slowly, hoping his words would bring up any last-second thoughts to rethink his decision a decision that could cost his life. "it won't be safe!" jimin spoke up, biting his tongue as he broke out in a cold sweat. all they needed was cowardice, the tiniest bit to grip onto and make the blond take back his words. however, kim namjoon was a man of justice.

"no amount of reasoning is going to make me change my mind." he responded to their warnings, tone unwavering.

"even if the person you're going to save, who may as well be dead, sacrificed our lives for personal gain?!" seokjin yelled out, pacing right up to blonde in a rage. grabbing at the blonde's mustard-shaded top, his knuckles grew white as the rosette's lividity and anxiety skyrocketed. "you'll die namjoon! all for a selfish bastard who preferred one life over many!" seokjin screamed out, vocal chords raw with emotion—throbbing at the words scraping against his throat.

"couldn't the same be said for you, seokjin?" namjoon started, staring back  at his childhood  friend, dark orbs unwavering. not even bothering to do anything about the rosette gripping his top, the blonde instead took it upon himself to take in the latter's expression. his beautiful face was etched with fury, lacing teary orbs in slivers of madness. upon taking in his words, seokjin's form slumped as grip upon namjoon loosened, palms shaking as tears free-fell from his now shut eyes. he wanted to scream a million things at the blonde: a confession hidden along the lines of begging him not to go after that damned asshole. but alas, what could seokjin have done with namjoon gazing at him like this? with heart and head pounding, his hands fell to their sides as the rosettes silently cried away from the blonde. thanks to morals and desire butting heads within his core, the ugliness that bubbled from his eyes (crystalline tears), had been an image seokjin never wanted to give namjoon the pleasure of spectating.

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