16 | Silly Games

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Wannabe - Spice Girls

16 | Silly Games 

16 | Silly Games 

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After what happened with Rosie, I tried to finish my homework. However, I just couldn't concentrate. Rosie's words echoed in my head on repeat. I can't believe she would hang up like that. I understand she's mad, I really do. But I thought as a supportive friend, she would be there for me.

After many hours of zoning in and out of my homework, I managed to complete it. I decided I would try and call Rosie now. I'm hoping she's calmed down from earlier on and will be more reasonable to talk to.

With that in mind, I stumble over to where I chucked my phone and dial her number. Luckily my phone didn't smash when I threw it in anger. The phone rings for a few seconds until it suddenly cuts off. Frowning, I pull the phone away and see that she's declined my call. Great.

I try again but once again, my attempts are left nothing successful. Clearly, Rosie is being stubborn. She won't answer the phone until she thinks I will have come to my senses. It could be days or weeks before she answers my calls again.

Sighing at that thought, I dump my phone on my bed and turn my tablet on. Netflix will cure me.


"Hello!" Molly happily chirps when I see her by my locker. Bree is stood next to her with her things already.

"Hi," I mumble unpleasantly and pull my locker open. The whole night I tossed and turned with me and Rosie's argument invading my thoughts. I couldn't sleep a wink because of it. And when I don't get a good amount of sleep, I'm moody as hell. Literally, I'm a groggy mess who you don't want to be around.

"Woah, what's got you all cranky this morning?" Bree asks, taken back by my very unhappy state.

"Friend. Phone. Max. Sleep." I reply, rather incoherently. My brain is a jumbled up mess of everything. The fact that I have to go to lessons is not something I want.

They both give me confused looks but I don't choose to elaborate. Heaving my heavy bag in my locker, I get my books out and slam the locker shut. Both of the girls jump back in fright at it.

"Are you okay Ava? You seem rather..." Molly trails off. She seems unsure of how to describe my current mood. In fact, I suspect she's scared of my reaction to what I say. In this state, I'm rather unpredictable. I don't even know how I would react.

"Not really," I truthfully answer and turn my back to my locker so I can lean against it. Tiredly, I run my free hand down my face whilst my other hand holds my two books for the next couple of hours. "And you can say whatever you wanted to say. I won't go berserk on you, I promise."

Molly sighs and then finishes her sentence. "Temperamental."

"Do you want to tell us about it?" Bree asks me softly, placing her pale hand on my arm for comfort. I give her a small smile at the warm gesture. Little does she know, knowing someone is there to back you up and listen is a big thing for me.

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