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It had hardly been a week, Dallas still sported a mean black eye but that was healing nicer than she had expected from that punch she'd taken, besides all that she'd been doing double races each night, something to...blow off some steam and stay away from emotions.

That day after it had happened when they finally had the guts to go back to their building, Griffin and herself had to break the news to Travis and Johnny, they patted them on the shoulder and offered a beer. It was the only thing they had to give, so they had accepted them but they were in their pillow sacks still capped.

Dallas had bought them both nice jackets to survive the cold since theirs weren't doing too well and had holes, it was the least she could do for Coopers friends, they knew him longer than she ever had any way.

They stuck around the place up until a few days ago, a mutual decision was made between herself and Griffin to leave and move on from Malibu. Maybe go up in the country somewhere, maybe in a city, it remained undecided still.

The daytime car was ditched back at the building, and the Midnight Dasher was repainted an unrecognizable red shade and the plates had been switched curtsy of Griffin. All of their stuff from the building was either in the trunk or backseat, it was only sleeping bags, two pillows and whatever clothes and backpacks or nicknacks they've picked up in the past.

Racing is off the table for a little while now, those back to back races she'd done had gathered a bunch of cash, and since they don't need to upgrade or fix the Midnight Dasher each night now the money was turning out to be a lot for them. It is always hidden though, and they don't use it for stupid buys, just the basic food and water and occasional candy boxes.

Dallas hasn't been doing much but driving and driving, it felt like Malibu was going around in circles, she could tell they are still in the area just far off from the beach and more into the town.

The car shudders as she pulls into a parking spot in front of Target, it was a slow time of day she guessed since it was still the early hours of the day being nine o'clock and not many cars in the lot. Dallas pulls the keys from the ignition after the car is put into park, Griffin was still sleeping and she knew he wouldn't mind her going inside and buying a gps for them.

Her seat groans when she leans over to the back to reach the small amount of all their money they had on hand back there, she figured a cheep system can't be more than fifty dollars so that's all she grabs. The doors lock when she leaves.

The doors swoosh open, Dallas anxiously puts her hands in her sweater pockets since she still hadn't gotten around exactly to acquiring a new jacket since that night she met...that woman, Miss Potts—Most people call me Pepper though—yeah that night when Dallas had given it to her.

She thinks about that night a lot. It was not like she was trying to. Dallas just always had a habit of trying not to care so she wouldn't think, most of the times that tactic ends with her overthinking and caring anyways. It's just that after seeing a file with her name on it, a case about her saying that Anthony Stark was her father and he was still looking.

He was famous, the grand Iron Man, a man among the Avengers, was he still looking out of pity or does he still care to look. It could also be the fact that this apparently went public, so he had to still search because people are still waiting on it. If the public was anything like she saw that night at that scene, with crazy reporters and rude ones at that, Dallas isn't too sure she'd even want to live like that.

She likes her life. It's not a deep love that she wouldn't give it up, someday she might, maybe when she's legally an adult it'll work out, she can get a job and settle down in an apartment or even a house and start a nice life. Not repeating any mistakes her...mother had, Dallas hates that that woman takes up space in her thoughts so much.

Midnight Racer-Tony Stark's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now