Chapter 28~

497 22 18

Guess who's back, back again--


also thanks for 3k reads wth


{Sam's POV}

My eyes fluttered open, quickly scanning around the room, which was considerably blurry. I reached around me, trying to find my glasses. Suddenly, they reach up to me, and I put them on.

They're cracked, but it's better.

I see Sarah standing next to me, looking concerned. "You okay?"

"Fine." I croak and her and two other people in the room sigh. I looked over to see Zane and Travis standing there, which threw me off for a bit. "W-Were you all looking for me...?" I stutter slightly, my voice still extremely hoarse.

Sarah nods, handing me a water bottle. I uncap it, practically chugging it down.

((i literally wrote this whole chapter and now it's gone and i'm sad so))

"What did they look like?" Travis questions, leaning forward slightly. "What did unknown look like...?"

I swallowed the water, setting it down. "He. Unknown is a he."

"Right... He." Travis said, as the three of them looked at each other. "What did he look like?"

"He was... Hairy. His arms were." I answered, my voice cracking slightly, adjusting my broken glasses. "And his voice was deep."

"Hm..." Sarah said, thinking to herself. "Well... We can use those clues. But for now, we're going to get you new glasses... If you feel up to it." She looked over at me.

I nodded, swinging my legs off the bed, sitting up and standing up, Sarah helping me out the door.

"I ship them." I mumble, once we were out of range of the room.

Sarah laughs.


{Zane's POV}

"Well... It's a good start." I say, looking over at Travis.

"Yeah- wait.. Do you think it could be....?" Travis looks back at me, worried.

Then it clicks.

Hairy arms, deep voice. Of course.

"It's a good a guess as any... But we'll need more evidence." I say, seeing Travis' gaze turn from me to the bed.

He heads over, picking up a tiny hair.


Word Count: 342 words

oops i lost all of that once




if so tell me in the comments some ideas and I'll do em :)

Ily all! xoxo Sam

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