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Please see note at the end :)


Death was an inevitable thing, and accidents can be prevented. All Ivan did was to simply cross the street, the traffic light indicated that he was safe to cross, he even looked at his left and right before walking, yet seconds after he was lying on the cold ground, lifeless.

He wasn't dead yet. Not yet at least. People started crowding his body and he can't help but laugh bitterly in his head. He was pretty sure his bones were broken, he coughed blood so maybe his lungs were punctured too. Tough luck.

Ivan suddenly thought about the dramas and animes he watched with his love. In every time the characters will be nearing their death, they will have flashbacks of how they have done in their life. Their families, loved ones, friends and enemies. Then the characters will realise they already fulfilled their purpose and peacefully die. But Ivan haven't done his yet.

He was supposed to be married tomorrow. If he only knew that he will die today, he would have told them to move the wedding to yesterday.

He didn't know what to think. He can't even feel his body anymore. No pain. No anything. He really was going to die.

At his last minutes, he heard the people talking that the driver of the truck that hit him is already caught and assumed drunk.

'Why do people need to drink?! Don't they know it can cost someone's life?'

Drowsiness started to hit him. No, he didn't want to die yet!

As he succumbed to it,  he heard the ambulance's and police's sirens. 'Hah, always late.'

He didn't live longer to hear someone whisper the following words to his ear, "My love, I'll follow you anywhere. Until we meet, we'll start [1]de novo."


Darkness welcomed him as he opened his eyes. Where is he? Isn't he dead? Is this the afterlife? Is he in hell? Is his deeds evil afterall?

[No host, this isn't afterlife. Neither are you dead. This place you are in is our space. Call it SS if you must. SS stands for System's Space.]

Ivan turned as he searched for the source of the voice. He can only see nothing. No one. He can't even see his body. Where is that coming from?

Maybe he's gone crazy.

[This system apologizes, host. I have failed to introduce myself. I am System 4547713, this system is assigned to you, host.]

Is this thing reading his mind?!

[Answering host, this system is able to read your mind because it is our way to communicate. This system is also newly birthed and is built on your mind, so it is a given that this system knows what you're thinking of.]

"W-what? I don't understand you?" Ivan had asked and stated in question. This simply doesn't make sense.

[Answering host, think of this system as an app installed to your mind. Though this is more complicated and complex than that.]

App? Host? System? What is this? Ivan is really confused on what is happening to him.

"So I can ask you even without talking?"

[Answering host, yes.]

'What is happening to me?'

[Answering host, host's soul carrier, or body as humans call it, has been hit by a vehicle and therefore isn't able to carry host's soul anymore. Host's soul is automatically transmigrated to SS and I was born.]

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