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Hermione strode towards Draco, dreading what she was going to say. Sure, she still didn't particularly like him, but at least they were better than the years past. 

"Draco-" Hermione corrected herself. "Malfoy!" she called towards Draco's back. He turned to face her. 

"Hermione?" Draco raised a brow. "Did you take my advice and-" Hermione cut him off mid-sentence. 

"Shut it, ferret," Hermione said in the most scornful voice she could muster. 

"Herm-" Hermione cut him off again. 

"Malfoy, don't you ever address me like that again. In fact, don't ever talk to me again." Hermione tried to signal Draco with her eyes that something was wrong. Clearly, he didn't get the hint.

"Fine, then. Granger, what is going on." Hermione could feel Ron's eyes watching her from somewhere unknown. She pushed past Draco and strode down the corridor. Suddenly, someone grabbed her waist from behind. She gasped at the gesture but quickly regained composure. She spun around.

"Draco-" Hermione had to correct herself again. "Malfoy. I though I told-" Hermione was stunned to find herself facing her so-called boyfriend. 

"Good job, Hermione. You did it. It wasn't that hard, was it?" Ron asked in a mellow voice. Hermione shook her head and stayed silent. Her face suddenly swung to the side and tears sprung to her eyes. 

"I expect a worded answer when I talk to you," Ron demanded. 

"No. It wasn't hard." Ron nodded with amusement in his eyes. 

"Good. Now go on to your classes." Hermione nodded but then remembered what had just happened. 

"Okay," she muttered while trying to keep the disdain out of her voice. Ron gave Hermione a kiss on the forehead and then turned to leave. Hermione waited until Ron was out of sight. Once he was, she spun on her heel and ran towards a bathroom. Students were starting to go to their classes, so she kept her head down and pushed past them. 

"Hermione?" Pansy called as Hermione raced towards her. Hermione ignored her and kept her pace. She pushed Pansy out of her way and ran into the bathroom. She found herself in the abandoned Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Once she was sure no one was around, sobs racked her body. 

"Hermione, is that you?" Myrtle's voice suddenly said. Hermione look behind her. 

"Yes, Myrtle. It is me," Hermione smiled halfheartedly at the ghost. Myrtle frowned at the tears streaming down Hermione's face. 

"I thought I was the sad one," commented Myrtle. Hermione shrugged.

"Well, Hermione, you've always taken time to visit me and talk to me, so I shall return the favor." Hermione raised a brow. 

"How?" Myrtle thought for a moment. 

"I'll comfort you!" Hermione laughed at the ghost girl's excitement.

"I don't think you can," Hermione muttered sadly. 

"Then how about you tell me what's wrong?" Hermione shook her head.

"I can't," Hermione murmured simply.

"And why not?"

"It's very personal." 

"It's not like I can tell anyone." Hermione thought for a moment then agreed. It would probably feel good to get it off her chest.

"Ron hit me." Hermione expected Myrtle to gasp or cry or at least say something, but the ghost stayed silent. Hermione looked up expectantly. 

"Well?" Hermione inquired. 

"Well what?" Myrtle asked back. 

"Aren't you going to say something?" Hermione asked. Myrtle shrugged.

"It honestly doesn't surprise me. I suppose he hit you because you got too close to another boy?" Myrtle simply said. Hermione gasped. 

"How did you know?" Myrtle shrugged again.

"He has this weird demeanor. He seems very possessive of his things." 

"I am not a thing," Hermione stated. Myrtle rolled her eyes.

"You know what I meant." Hermione buried her face in her hands. 

"What am I going to do?" Hermione cried into her hands. 

"Break up with him?" Myrtle suggested. 

"Already tried that," Hermione replied flatly. 

"Tell someone?" Hermione scoffed at that. 

"Like who?" Hermione questioned sarcastically. 

"Like a teacher," Myrtle paused. "Or Draco." Hermione froze.

"What do you mean? We're not even that good of friends." Myrtle shrugged. 

"He's always thinking about you. Whether its about the fact that you're annoyingly obnoxious or annoyingly gorgeous," Myrtle teased. Hermione's head shot up to look at the transparent girl.

"You can't go rummaging around in people's minds like that, Myrtle!" Hermione scolded. Myrtle shrugged, unfazed by Hermione. 

"Who am I going to tell. It's not like I haven't seen it before. Besides, it gets really boring when you're not visiting me," Myrtle complained. 

"Well, then, I'll just visit you more. Just promise me you'll stop," Hermione sighed. Myrtle shrugged. 

"Come visit me more and I'll see what I can do." Hermione rolled her eyes, but she realized that she felt surprisingly better.

"Thanks, Myrtle." Myrtle tilted her head to the side with a confused expression set upon her face. 

"Why?" Myrtle inquired. 

"No matter how annoying you may be," Hermione quickly continued when she saw a sad look flash upon Myrtle's face. "You made me feel a lot better." Myrtle's sad expression quickly turned to joy. 

"I helped you? Yay!" Myrtle shouted jubilantly. Hermione smiled. She should really come here more often. 

Author's Note

 I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. To be honest, I don't even have an excuse for posting late. Other than the fact that I'm just flat out and downright lazy to the bone. I think instead of posting on Sundays, though, I'll be posting more on Saturdays. Or at least try to. :/ Again, I'm sorry and I'll try harder... Kiss Kiss!

Also sorry that this is so short :I

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