Fairly Insane

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♧ KSJ FanFiction ♧

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KSJ FanFiction

Kaby Hsu, 2018


💎 S Y N O P S I S 💎

Jin, the King of Wonderland where coloured eyed people lived, lost his kingdom and his people in a fire caused by humans. That forced him to escape to the human world where he had to hide his identity and survive.

There he met a girl who made his heart race like no one else had before.

With that, he was willing to stay for as long as he could and protect his love from anyone that could break their relationship.

And will he be able to do that?


🍀 E P I G R A P H 🍀

"Will you stay with me until the end?"



Mic Drop Awards {1st Place}
Score: 54/65

Bangtan CoCa {1st Place}
Score: 96/100

Heungtan Awards {1st Place}
Score: 80.5/100

Dark & Dangerous Awards {2nd Place}
Score: Not Stated

Spring BTS Awards {3rd Place}
Score: 92/100

BangtanCoCa {Special Awards}
- Best Cover


Dedicated to: 💝

Everyone reading this story, especially KSJ stans.

This story is more of a fantasy AU and if there is anything you don't understand, please feel free to ask. I'll answer anything as long as it's not a spoiler to the story.

I really hope that you would enjoy reading it.

I love you, my Daffodils~ 🌼


The entire story is a work of fiction and has absolutely nothing to do with the characters in reality.

I would like to emphasise that none of my works should be plagiarised. It's not going to be funny if I chase you down so I hope that we don't have to deal with it.

Let's respect each other and I do hope that the plot is enjoyable for everyone.

Thank you for checking this out~! ❤️


Start: 28 February 2018

End: 21 May 2018

Beautiful Cover By WittyInsane

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Beautiful Cover By WittyInsane

Beautiful Cover By WittyInsane

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