Chapter 1; dark and cold

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I felt cold...

I open my eyes and nothing...there was nothing but darkness all around me.

'Is this a dream?' I thought to myself, does the dark surroundings mean it's still night? I sat up on what I thought was a..."a prison bed..?" I whisper to myself as I noticed the cold surface of the thing, it was one of those that were hard and hung in place by being attached to the wall with chains on each side.

'That explains the reason why I almost froze to death...' I thought, the surface of the prison bed was pretty dame cold. I stood up and as soon as I did I fell to the ground and when I reached it, I hit my head and blacked out...


"Be careful Zoe!" I heard my Uncle Tom chuckle and yell out in amusement but also a little concern, not wanting me to fall off the tree I was climbing. "Don't worry Tom, my daughter has been practicing many things and some do involve climbing. I can assure you, nothing well happen to her" my mom told Uncle Tom as I sat on the tree branch and looked at both of them "yeah Uncle Tom! I can handle myself! Hehe". Soon I heard a cracking sound from underneath me, my eyes widened as I look down and saw that branch I was setting on was about to break, before I could do anything it broke and I fell with the branch. I felt a sharp pain on my leg before everything went completely black...

*Flashback end*

I heard someone knocking on the metal door of my cell and that woke me up, I could have sworn they said something like there she goes knocking herself out again.....I wonder why the boss even wanted to keep her alive..? "Ugh..." 'now who the hell is this "boss"'I open my eyes, the world around me blurry and my head spinning. This time I was sure the man on the other side of the door said something but before he did, he slid a tray with food and a glass of water on it from under an opening on the door before closing it and then he looked at me from a small square window like opening on the door that was on the eye level of that man, I looked back at him, I couldn't see much but enough to see that he was wearing a white mask with two holes to represent eyes, I couldn't see his eyes clearly but if I looked closely I can tell he had brown hazel eyes...but something was off...they weren't normal, they were...inhuman...demonic, lifeless or maybe even....robotic? It was as if they were being controlled by something...

Or someone...

"Eat up, the boss wants to see you. Someone will come to get you and take you to him after your done..." the man behind the door announced and after that, he walked away. I look up at the chilling, my head still hurting and I sigh. I look at the food on the try and decide to eat it, I don't wanna go anywhere on an empty stomach.

As I chewed the last bite of my food, I heard the door open and there was the same person from before...or at least it looked like it. I forgot that almost every person here wore the same clothing with that same, unusual white mask...

I looked up but something was different about this person thank god...

I looked closely at his mask as I did with the last one and saw his bright, sky blue eyes...those eyes...there different from the last one's....they do have life in them. But there was something else...those eyes seem familiar...

"Heh, hey princess, you ready to see the boss?"

'Princess..? PRINCESS!? Wtf!?"

This is the end of chapter 1

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