Maybe Later Yeah?

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Damien's POV

Being a camera man for the boys did have its ups and downs. The downs being I was practically on call and always around them all, Which isn't necessarily a bad thing I guess but I know the girls get jealous at times but I can't exactly help that I like men can I? I could just quit.

Vik: "Damien you ready?"

Damien: "Yeah, yeah I'm ready sorry. OK left foot out a little bit more towards the grass."

Vik: "So down further like this?"

Damien: "No no like this, so when you are leaning over the balcony, I can make it look like you are way higher up than you actually are."

I showed him the position that I was talking about and watched as the man positioned himself correctly.

Damien: "Yeah just like that. OK hold still for me I'll take a few."

Snapping up some shots, I then got him to lean over it casually, Which he seemed to be able to do without an issue. It doesn't surprise me really, Vik had this talent of being able to pull off most positions without a problem.

Damien: "How quickly can you move and lock yourself into place?"

Vik: "What?"

Damien: "How fast are you able to move your body and still be able to lock it into place? Like, position yourself into a model's pose, then quickly change to another one?"

Vik: "I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, let's just take the shot yeah. The sooner we are done here the better."

I guess that's another reason why I wanted to quit already, I know that a lot of people would call me pathetic for quitting this job so soon after I got it, but I know the passive aggressive second hand comments they make are not exactly out of jest.

Damien: "Right."

I think that's why I prefer to work with Tobi. He actually doesn't treat me like these four do, which I guess kind of sucks seeing as that pretty much made me exclusively part of team Skrrr with three r's. Actually I didn't mind it all that much, I think maybe I just find it odd being the token gay of the whole group, including all of the boys.

Vik: "Are we done? Finally."

Damien: "Yeah all good, I'll get it done tonight."

Vik: "Hope so. Need it up soon."

Damien: "It will be done Vik don't worry."

As I let my camera hang loosely around my neck, thankful that straps were a thing, I quickly grabbed my equipment, went down stairs and left the house. Making sure not to forget my umbrella, I'm sure the boys would probably harass me and shit like last time. As I walked off the premises, making my way to the bus stop, I pulled out my Oyster card and hopped on when it came around. As I waited for the 40 minute ride to come to a close, I started going through the pictures I took, Random items sprawled around, Josh and Freya on the bed, JJ and Simon playing Football and of course Vik on the balcony. What surprised me was one on my camera with Harry holding it, taking a selfie which was weird? I don't let anyone use or touch my camera.

Damien: "Harry when did you use my Camera?"

Harry: "What do you mean?"

Damien: "I mean, I just went through them to choose which ones to edit on the way home and your face just popped up, I'd like to know when it was you took my camera."

Harry: "For fuck sake Damien it's a photo, relax dude I didn't set off the fucking nuclear bombs or anything."

Damien: "You're an idiot Harold."

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