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History of our country,
It is what made me,
They help us treasure our memory
And can continue like a diary.

What we are, is what we want,
We can't blame others for today's slants.
Part of me comes with ants,
That has names like music and such.

Music forms pleasant notes.
Music brings back many hopes.
It can also sympathize those without clues,
That may result to world's good use.

Sports come in many kinds,
It may be ball games that can bring back times,
And when you are watching, it can be nice,
And sometimes, victorious players cries.

Poetry cries and tells stories.
It's only readers who doesn't see it,
When they read they don't think of it,
But instead, they don't imagine it

ENGLISH-TAGALOG POETRYWhere stories live. Discover now