(Season 1) Chapter 15

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Grammar is the difference beetween knowing 'your shit' and knowing 'you're shit'

- Uknown

Y/N Pov

Currently me and emily werw seating at my desk while reading a book that we both found fasinating

Currently me and emily werw seating at my desk while reading a book that we both found fasinating

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Its a book about world war 2...but with aliens. I found this good because i love when people write something that alternate's our history, we were reading a part about germany taking down some ships until somebody! Has to disturbed my reading!

Motohama: Y/N! Is that a porn magazine!!

I then closed the book and gave a deep sigh

Y/N: It has come to my realization that people were dropped when they were babies. But you my friend, you are clearly thrown into a wall
I then noticed issei was yawning. This is like his 69th yawn today

Y/N: Hey bro, you okay? You've been yawing since breakfast...and this is like your 69th yawn

Trio: Hehe! 69

Issei: Sorry. I was having a weird dream, so i couldnt get any sleep

The 2 idiots then leaned closer to issei with a large fucking grin

Matsuda: If it was a sexy one! We want answers!

Y/N: Can i please! Get some peace and silence here!

Emily: It looks like you wont. I pity you mortal

Issei: It wasnt sexy or anything guys

Asia: Im really sorry issei, i should've earlier in the morning

Matsuda: What! You have asia to wake you up!

Isse: You haven't heard Y/N's story yet. When he doesnt get up, asia cuddles with him and i feel like asia is trying to press her breast at Y/N's arm

Asia:*Blushing*. Issei...please dont embarass me infront of Y/N

Y/N: Were you...spying on us

Isseiv Hehe...no

Y/N: If i were the one who wakes up issei i would use a airhorn and a metal bucket

Issei: Sure. Do that to me like you did before

Motohama: Does she refill plates for you guys

Y/N: Mom also praise her for being a good girl

Asia: Oh Y/N, your making me blush

Motohama then gave me a glare

Motohama: You actually know alot of cute girls dont you!?

Matsuda: Its so unfair that im about to break

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