#59 The Gun - An Gunna

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We entered through a janitorial door in the back corner of the building a few paces from the alley Smith and Jones attacked me in. I refused to look down the alley way as I kept my head down and followed Lyle. Although Frankie had explained his methods for making a locked door suddenly open I always got lost before he began and was content enough to credit the man with magician status when it came to technology.

The lobby was dimly lit by the beautiful modern chandeliers that hung from the vaulted ceiling. Lyle motioned for me to stay by the elevators while she made her way to the main desk that would carry the logs of the night watchmen. According to her and Frankie's estimate the guards would have already checked floor thirty-two by this hour leaving it free for us to sneak around.

As she hopped over the counter to the enclosed circular desk I paced back and forth by the elevators. Suddenly a stream of colored light hit my face and I froze. Laboriously, I twisted to look above me to the flat screen T.V set at an angle on the wall.

My face contorted with disgust as Monroe's grinning face washed over the screen. The televisions were motioned censored I wondered? I crossed a few feet to the other screen, which promptly turned on as I came to stand under it.

"For fucks sake." I mumbled.

"What's this?" Lyle asked appearing by my side.

To her question I pointed at the scrolling words along the screen. Frankie was right. Monroe was indeed planning an event to officially announce his own promotion. I rolled my eyes as Monroe pointed from beyond the screen while the words "Be there or miss the biggest announcement of your life time.".

On the display to the right of us a looped interview of Monroe on some fluff morning show played silently. My bet was that all of the televisions in the building featured some image of Monroe talking about his company take over.

"Fucking ego maniac." I repeated Frankie's earlier comment as I looked away.

Lyle and I made our way to the thirty-second floor without incident – another nifty magic trick via our computer wizard. The thirty-second floor was completely dark save for a few lights left on in random cubicles. Using the flashlights I borrowed from White Pine we made our way through the maze of cubicles. The door to office room 321 was locked and Lyle knelt while I held a flashlight on the lock in order for her to pick it.

Monroe's office was just as I remembered and in the sparse lighting from the row of windows at the back wall I could make out the intimidating stare as the gaudily framed painting watched over the room.

I stayed with my back to the closed door as Lyle went immediately to the computer and began typing on the keyboard. My throat felt constricted as I focused on taking calm breaths. Quiet honestly, Monroe's threats aside I held no intention of revisiting his office or the city unless if it was with a court order and the entire police squadron. Just occupying the same space as him made my skin crawl and something more. At another level I felt my mother, not here in this exact room but here in the city - in the building. This was where they met and this was where he pushed her away without an inkling of compassion. Being in the space made my anger more tangible, tangible enough where I knew I could not cower in the doorway any longer.

With my heart beating strong I felt as though every part of my body was pulsing to a constant rhythm. I eyed down the painted bust as I crossed the room. Making my way from the interior wall of the room I came to a steel filing cabinet with no labeling on its drawers. To my surprise the first row opened smoothly and I began leafing through the alphabetized manila folders.

"May what are you doing?" Lyle flashed her light in my direction to get my attention.

"There's got to be something here. He couldn't have washed her completely away, there has to be an employee file or-"

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