Part 15

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"I gotta tell you," Sal said as we approached the main part of the city, "I'm still pretty shaken from that... incident."

"Me too," Q said, "I actually was once close to death from being a firefighter. But this was so much scarier."

"No way," I gasped.

I had never experienced anything scary so this was definitely a first. It was only now we felt comfortable digesting what had happened.

"I swear to god, man, if he was purposely there to kill us... he's probably 5 miles from us not... ready to shoot again tonight." Sal spoke in a raspy tone, raising one eyebrow as he surveyed the area.

"I'm sure- well, hopefully, he hasn't followed..." I trailed off. What if he did? His sole purpose was to hurt one of the guys. "The police got involved, right?"

Q nodded his head.

"Then I'm sure there's nothing to worry about."

The town was getting louder as we approached. Noisy, busy and aggravating.

"I gotta get some food," Sal mumbled, pointing towards a sign post.

"Me too," Q agreed. Then Joe too.

So that was settled. The first thing to do in D.C is to buy some food.


Inside the supermarket, Sal and Q went on a mission as if their life depended on it. Then again, it kind of did. No food= death.

I followed behind sluggishly, watching them argue about different types of pasta.

"Let's get the swirly kind. If you want pasta," Sal said.

"Just get the plain stuff," Q said back.

"No, the swirly pasta is better... do we even have a stove?"

"We're not having that then. Pizza? Fruit? Vegetables?" Q raised his arm to introduce all kinds of food around us.

"We'll get some oranges," Sal shot off to the first aisle. "And some sort of drinks."

Me and Q waited back.

"Oh my god," there was a faint gasp and then feet tapping quickly into our direction. "Brian Quinn?"

"Hi," he said nonchalantly.

A fan.

"How are you?" Brian asked, hugging the fan.

"I'm... I'm ok," she said, "I'm just shocked."

"Are you coming to see us perform tonight?"

"Yes! I'm so excited!"

And with a quick photo- smile and hug- they were gone.

"You're so good with fans," I admitted.

Sal had a basket full of different drinks and fruits that 'won't go bad' and we were off again.

We exited the shop to be greeted with Rachel.

"We've bought some hotel rooms for the night. It was pretty tricky but we found a space with a few rooms left."

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