Sarah's Anger Issues

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This story, is about, Ed's baby sister Sarah's anger issues, and how it get's her into serious trouble, this fanfiction chronologically take's place around the very early season 1 episodes,not to long after "The Ed Touchables"

Our story, begins at Edd's house, as he is in his room, labeling everything as always, and observing his ant farm, and his butterfly collection. with his magnifying glass, and he said to himself.

"Ah, what a find summer morning,"

Just then, he heard a knock at the door, he put his magnifying glass, down and got up from his desk, and began to walk downstairs to answer the door. and when he opened the door, he saw it was his friend Eddy.

"Hey Double Dee, what's up?" Eddy said.

"Oh hello Eddy. Same old, actuality." Edd replied with a smile.

Eddy, then walked into Edd's house, Edd closed the door. Edd being as strict as he was, said.

"Eddy, be sure to wipe your feet."

Eddy, then being very annoyed, with his pals, same old rules went back out the door real quick to wipe his feet. He came back into the house and said.

"There Edd, are you satisfied?"

"Thank you Eddy." Edd said.

They then went upstairs into Edd's room. As they opened the door, Eddy looked at all the labels, and said.

"Hey Double Dee, is there anything you don't label?"

Edd, then getting back to work on his desk, replied to Eddy.

"It's just difficult for me to be in an unlabeled environment."

Edd, was known to possibly have OCD. meaning he had to have everything neat, and in it's place. Or he would have a break down. Eddy, knowing Edd, would flip out would often mess around with the labels. and mess around his room. He then started jumping on Edd's bed, and said.

"haha! Get a load of this Edd!"

Edd, then very irritated, rushed over to make the bed, and said to Eddy.

"Eddy, Could you please have more respect for my rules."

"Hey Double Dee, lighten up sockhead , it's just a joke." Replied Eddy.

Edd then with a small chuckle then said.

"Well, i guess that was a bit humerus. But please don't do it again."

Eddy, then with an annoyed look on his face, the sighed and said.

"Whatever. So let's get over to Ed's place, we got to think of his scam."

Edd, despite having so much to do that day, knew that it was about time to think of a scam. He then put his butterfly, collection in a safe place, and said.

"Your right Eddy. Let's go."

They then make a mad dash for Ed's place. They went through his window door to his room, were he was watching one of his favorite monster movies, they then shouted.

"Hey Ed!"

Ed, then very happy to see his friends, then shouted with a big smile.

"Eddy! Double Dee! My friends! My pals! When did you guys get hear?"

Eddy replied.

"That's not in-portent big guy, we got to think of a new scam!"

Ed jumped for joy, and said.

"Yeah! a scam! I hope we will get jawbreakers."

Eddy then patted Ed, on the back and said.

"Hold your horses Ed, we got to think of the scam first."

Edd, then walking around Ed's room, and couldn't stop thinking about how messy it was.

"Goodness Ed, don't you ever clean up?"

Ed replied.

"Nah Double Dee, i got more important things to do."

Edd then as he was trying to find an un messy spot, in Ed's room, then had a big slip, and tripped over a bunch of card's, Ed had in his room. Eddy looked shocked, and said.

"Are those Pokemon cards? we could make a loads of money of those."

Ed replied. "But Eddy! Those are Sarah's card's. She will kill me!"

Eddy then, put his hand over his pals shoulder, and said.

"Jawbreakers Ed!"

The poor lump, could not resist. And said to Eddy.

"Let's sell some cards!"

"That's the spirit." Eddy replied.

"Sarah, is going to be very mad about this Eddy!" Edd said. trying to talk a bit of sense into his pals.

Eddy replied

"Get over it sockhead. We got work to do.

Will Sarah, find out about what the Ed's are doing, and will the Ed's get murdered by her? Well not murdered. But you know what i mean. Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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